Thursday, August 04, 2005

My favor book

Last Thursday after work, have my dinner at Meng Tuck Restaurant at Chao Yang. Then proceed to night market (pasar malam) just in front the restaurant. Long time never walk night market, feel very nice walk alone.

After reached at a store that selling books, I just look around & found one of the book. The book named as ≪罵孩 子 不 等 於 教 孩 子≫ or title in English is ≪Calm Down, When You Are Angry With Your Child≫. This book attracted me. In the book, they teach you how to solve the child problems without scolding them or beat them & also a lot of examples how to teach child. Beside this, the most attraction part is in the front cover. There is something wrote there, feel this words very nice but is in Chinese. I can’t manage translate it to English. Hope someone can help me to translate it to English for the purpose of those who could not read Chinese can understand the meaning. Will thanks a lot to those can translate for me. Tonight going to buy some more books. Hope can find some interesting books.

罵孩子 ≠ 教孩子

在批評中長大的孩子, 苛於責人
在敵對中長大的孩子, 常懷敵意
在嘲笑中長大的孩子, 畏首畏尾
在羞辱中長大的孩子, 過分自責
在容忍中長大的孩子, 知曉忍讓
在鼓勵中長大的孩子, 充滿信心
在激賞中長大的孩子, 懂得尊重
在公平中長大的孩子, 有正義感
在讚美中長大的孩子, 能夠自愛
在安全感中長大的孩子, 對人信賴
在接納與友愛中長大的孩子, 知道如何愛人

This book wrote by 橋本 熊.

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