Thursday, March 30, 2006

華都亞也的旅程 2 - 怡保 / Journey to Batu Gajah 2 - Ipoh

三月二十六日是我與家人連續第四個星期趕路上華都亞也(Batu Gajah) 了。不提又提﹐在上一篇文章忘了提到在第二個星期回程時除了在蓮花池拍照外﹐我們還趕路上了怡保(Ipoh) 。為何上怡保呢? 父親說要帶我們到怡保最出名的觀音洞和南天洞。哈哈﹐超開心。真的有福啦﹐很想到怡保很久了因為活了二十五年的我在印象中不曾到過怡保。還以為這是第一次來到這﹐原來是大錯特錯。為何呢? 繼續讀下去。


過後﹐我們來到了南天洞。兩個洞的空氣還蠻好﹐感覺冷冷的。南天洞比觀音洞熱鬧得多。來到了洞裡的廟﹐進口處擺放了一只麒麟。第一個問題就給父親嚇倒了。父親一開口就問” 你還記得這麒麟嗎?” 。心想天呀﹐為何我會記得這麒麟呢﹐我又不曾到過這兒。莫非我是孙悟空的前身﹐父親是唐三藏? 南天洞是花果山的前身? 哈哈。。。父親對我說﹐小時候我與這麒麟拍過照﹐如果不信還有照為證。心想雖然父親的年紀已大﹐但他的記憶是超厲害的。



Time passing so fast, 26th of March is the fourth time went to Batu Gajah with my family. In last post, forgot to mention about what happened on the second week of the journey. Besides stop at the Lotus Pond for snapped photos, Dad suggested go to Ipoh. Why? Cause he want to recommend a place where it is famous in Ipoh. The places are Guan Yin Cave & Nan Tian Cave. I’m so happy. Actually had planned to go Ipoh long time ago, in my memory I never come here before. Haha… thought this is my first time to Ipoh, actually not. Why? Continue read…

First, we came to Guan Yin Cave. Here found a lot of Buddha of Guan Yin, all the Buddha donated & paid by volunteers. Outside of the cave found 4 Chinese words that I like so much, is “Tian Ya Hai Jiao”. There is a tree at the main entrance, the tree similar like the “Wishing Tree” at Hong Kong. A lot of people throw the “Fu” up to the tree. Actually this will kill the tree, the tree look like cannot hang on any more. To all others, please don’t throw the “Fu” up to the tree any more. Give the tree more space to breath else it will die soon.

The second cave is Nan Tian Cave; here is more people compare to the first cave. The air for both cave is very nice & feel cool. Inside the cave there is a temple, at the entrance of the temple there is a Qi Lin(is an animal use to dance together with the Lion Dance when Chinese New Year). When we entered to the temple, I’m a bit shock when Dad asked me “Did u remember the Qi Lin?” Scared …How can I remember? I never come here before. Am I the Monkey King life back from “Journey To The West”? Dad is the Tang Shan Zhang (sifu) life back too? Nan Tian Cave is the Hua Guo Cave?…else why Dad asked like that? Haha…he told me when I was child, I been here to snapped photo with the Qi Lin. If don’t believe, there is a photo for prove. Really salute to my Dad, although his age almost 60 but he got a very strong memory.

I snapped a lot of photos here, like this place very much. When back to home, I forgot what Dad told me about the Qi Lin. These few days recall back & quickly search for the old photo albums. Haha, finally found that photo. My God, I think I was 5 years old at the time. Can’t believe 20 years before this stand there for snapped the photo, 20 years later stand there again to snapped the photo. Time passing so fast. Comparing for the 2 photos, is really a huge changed. Really can’t use the handsome face now to compare with last time, I really changed a lot become more handsome & handsome. Haha… 25 years old now, how can my face still look like so young? Can’t believe. No wonder my colleague said I am just 18 years old… hahaha!

超喜愛的四個字-天涯海角 / 4 Chinese words that I like so much-“Tian Ya Hai Jiao”

類似香港的許願樹 / Tree that similar like the "Wishing Tree" at Hong Kong

南天洞 / Nan Tian Cave

這就是二十年前與麒麟拍的照片 / This is the photo that I snapped together with the Qi Lin at the past 20 years

二十年後站回同樣的地方與麒麟拍照﹐實在太英俊了﹐所以不肯露面。哈哈。 / 20 years later stand at the same place again to snapped photo with the Qi Lin. Really too handsome, don't want to show off my face. haha.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

華都亞也的旅程 / Journey to Batu Gajah

連續三個星期天與家人驅車趕路上華都亞也(Batu Gajah) 為的是要找一名鐵打醫師來醫好我與母親在一年前弄傷的腳。由五點半左右開車上路﹐用了大約三小時的車程才到達。路過問人﹐好不容易才找到那名醫師。第一個星期包雜了腳後還蠻早﹐父親提議不如上美羅(Bidor)走一趟。就這樣來到了美羅。

用餐後﹐在那兒的街場走走。那裡擺了很多水果攤﹐父親一眼望過對面的攤子就對我們說那攤子的水果我們從來都沒有吃過的。奇怪﹐心想哪有可能。越過馬路到達那攤子時﹐望一望那水果。天啊﹗真的還沒吃過這水果。這水果馬來語稱為Tampoi﹐馬來人也稱這水果為山山竹(Manggis Hutan) ﹐不懂華語稱為甚麼。可能是成長靠近城市吧﹐這還是我首次吃到這水果﹐城市可能買不到。味道還蠻像山竹﹐難怪馬來人稱它為山山竹。

Went to Batu Gajah three Sunday continually reason is looking for a Chinese doctor cause want to cure my mom & my leg that injured since 1 year ago. Start the journey at around 5:30a.m; the whole journey took around 3 hours. Reached at the actual location after asked the local people there. For the first week after met the doctor, time still early. Dad suggested goes to Bidor.

We had our lunch when reached at Bidor. Then we just walk around & found out there are a lot of fruit stalls. From far away, Dad pretty sure & told us that we had never been eat one of the fruit that selling by one of the hawker. I’m not believed what Dad told us. After reached at the stall & have a look; My god, can’t believe. Really never eat before. The fruit in Malay name is Tampoi. But Malay people named it as Manggis Hutan(Jungle Mangos teen). May be I living somewhere near city, that’s why never eat before & this is my first time to taste it. The taste is similar like Mangos teen; no wonder Malay people named it as Jungle Mangos teen.

這就是馬來人所稱為的山山竹了 / Tampoi(as mentioned above),Malay people named it as Jungle Mangos teen.... look nice right? ummmm....yum yum...


The second week journey start at the same time, when went back the time we stop our car at half way beside the road the reason is want to snap photos at the lotus pond. The first week when we back the time I had drive too fast, by the time my mom told me there is a lotus pond there but I had missed it. So this time I had slow down the speed to captured this nice view.

這就是我所說的蓮花池 / Lotus Pond


The third week when back the time, Dad suggested goes to Bidor again cause want to buy Tampoi. But this time we not as lucky as last time cause the hawker did not sell at this time. He told us that the Tampoi would not sell every week. Dad told me the last time that he ate this fruit is when he was child & had never taste it until now. I feel I’m lucky cause had tasted it before.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

我只有十八歲 / I am 18 years old


她說以她的年齡﹐她可以做我媽了。她還對我說她還有一名十五歲的孩子。其實我一早就知道她的實際年齡只有三十多罷了﹐也在母公司(HQ) 見過她。我對她說根本就不能做我媽﹐做我姐姐就能﹐因為我的年齡只大她兒子十歲。

當她知道了我的年齡後﹐她問我是真的嗎。她對我說她一直以為我只有十八歲。天啊! 就這麼的一句十八歲讓我整夜難眠﹐年輕了七歲﹐超開心! 哈哈。十八歲?我的樣子像十八嗎? 有可能吧。哈哈! 除此﹐我也和她開了個小小的玩笑。我說做我媽不行啦﹐不如做我的契姐(乾姐)﹐想不到她竟然答應了。哈哈﹐從此我有多了一個契姐了。

These few days feel super duper happy cause few days ago when using skype chat with colleague from Penang branch, can’t remember on what we chatting about & entering to the topic of age. I know girl or women are very sensitive about this topic but I still want to chat with her on this topic.

She told me with her age now; she can become my mother already. She told me she have a 15 years old son too. Actually I knew her actual age already, she just 30 plus only. I met with her before at HQ office too. I told her with her age she can’t be my mother, only can become my sister cause I elder than her son just 10 years only.

When she realized my actual age, she asked me whether is true or not. She told me she thought I am just 18 year old. My God! I can’t believe people told me like that, this make me can’t sleep the whole night. I am younger for 7 years, feel super duper happy. Haha. 18 years old? Do I look like 18? Hemmm… I think so. Haha! Beside this, just gave her a small little joke. I told her she couldn’t be my mom, maybe can become my “kaei jeh”(Godsister)(not sure whether “kaei jeh” is it called as Godsister in English or not). Can’t believe, she said no problem become my Godsister. Haha, I have another Godsister now.