Thursday, June 22, 2006

再次做個不孝子。。。 / I'm Not A Filial's Son Again...

父親節已過四天﹐還沒對父親說聲”父親節快樂”﹐父親節當日也沒能與父親慶祝父親節﹐因為我跨越了他國旅遊。看看啦﹐我又再次做個不孝了﹐我也忘了這是第幾次在我生平做個不孝兒﹐反而大姐與小妹能數得出﹐討厭﹗但是這次有人和我一起不孝﹐那就是大姐與小妹﹐哈哈﹗因為她們也與我一起出國旅遊。嗨。。。廢話少講了﹐我又來這一套了。。。 ”其實孝心不一定只是在父親節才實行﹐對我來說每天都是父親節, 不要等到他不再時才來孝敬﹐那已太遲了。在此﹐願天下所有的父親” “父親節快樂”。” 你覺得這句話曾經在那裡讀過嗎? 哈哈!

Father’s Day has passed 4 days ago, but I still haven’t wishes my Dad “Happy Father’s Day”. Some more I can’t celebrate with Dad on Sunday cause had travel to others country for a trip, do you see that I’m not a filial’s son again? I’m not sure how many times I had become a not filial’s son in my life, but boths of my sister manage to remember for me. Hate this! But this time situation has changed, boths of my sister become a not filial’s daughter too cause they are in the trip too. Haha! Fine, just shorten it…. Here I come again… “Actually filial is not only given on Father’s Day, for me everyday is Father’s Day. Do not wait until he is not here then only filial to him, that is too late. Again, wishing every Dad in the world a Happy Father’s day”." Do you feel this sentences very familiar? Haha!

Friday, June 16, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第五天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 5

基本上第五天沒地方好去﹐六點鐘起床後在XX小姐的家用早餐。七點鐘瑪小姐載我到朋友家然後直接上班﹐而我跟隨了朋友到沙巴大學 (University Malaysia Sabah)走走。沙巴大學真的很大﹐環境幽美﹐在這拍了些照。過後跟著朋友到市中心用午餐﹐午餐後到了沙巴分行的子公司會一會我的同事。大家只聊了一會﹐道別後回到朋友家休息一會。三點鍾我開始了西馬的回程﹐三點半到達了哥打京那巴魯亞航機場。檢查行李後﹐獨自一人等著飛機的到來﹐這時的心情真的是依依不捨。六點半飛機終於出現在我眼前﹐踏上了飛機後再次跟沙巴說聲再見。我跟沙巴真的有一段很濃厚的感覺﹐默默的愛上了這地方。沙巴﹐我們明年再見!

Woke up at 6am & had my breakfast at Miss XX’s house, basically the fifth day not much places can visit cause not much time for that day. 7am Miss XX fetched me to meet up with my friend & she proceeds to work, and I had followed my friend went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The environment at UMS is so nice & I had snapped few photos here, then we proceed for our lunch. After lunch, I met up with my Sabah branch’s colleagues. Just chitchat for a while & back to my friend’s house for a rest. At 3pm I started my journey back to Peninsular Malaysia, reached at AirAsia Kota Kinabalu Terminal at 3:30pm. After check in, just wait there alone & the feeling now is sad & doesn’t want to back home. Haha. Finally the flight reached at 6:30pm, after stepped into the flight just said again bye bye to Sabah. Feel that I had a “deep feeling” with Sabah & fall in love with this place. Sabah, see you again next year!

沙巴大學 / University Malaysia Sabah(UMS)

再見﹐沙巴! / Goodbye, Sabah!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第四天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 4

這一天清晨六點半就起床了﹐收李後﹐七點鐘在XX小姐伯父的家用早餐。休息一會後﹐九點十五分開始了我們的回程。首先我們來到古達菜市場買花生﹐過後再到惜緣素食館用第二回的早餐。十點半從惜緣素食館出發﹐一路上我們尋找著一個地方﹐那地方叫”巴望尬周”鄉村 (Kampung Bavanggazo)。據XX小姐透露﹐”巴望尬周”(Bavanggazo)在卡達山語的意思是大河。” 巴望”(Bavang) 是指”河”﹐”尬周”(gazo) 是指”大”, 所以形成了” 大河” 的意思。大約駕駛了四十五分鐘後﹐我們找到了指示牌。

Day 4 woke up at 6:30am, after packed up my bag then had my breakfast at Miss XX Uncle’s house. We rest for a while & started our journey back to Kota Kinabalu at 9:15am. First we went to Kudat market for bought some peanuts, then proceed to Xi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant for our second round breakfast. After breakfast, we started our journey at 10:30am. On the way back, we are looking for a place called Kampung Bavanggazo (Bavanggazo Village). According to what Miss XX told me, Bavanggazo in Kadazan Language means “Big River”. “Bavang” mean River, “gazo” mean Big. So it forms the words of Big River. After 45 minutes of driving, we saw the signboard to the village.

”巴望尬周”鄉村的指示牌 / Signborad to Bavanggazo Village

這裡的路很難走因為是碎石路﹐我們順著指示牌慢慢的駛進﹐終於找到了那地方。在這裡﹐我生平第一次看見了長屋﹐這裡的長屋是龍古斯族(Rungus) 住的。一位龍古斯婦女帶我們到長屋裡走走﹐她還解釋了長屋裡所有的東西以及器具的用處。很喜歡這地方真的很寧靜﹐空氣也比較新鮮。

The road to the village is gravel again; we had to drive in slowly. Finally we reach at the village after 10 minutes drive in & this is my first time saw the long house ever in my life. The long house here is owned by the Rungus (ethnic group). When we entered to the long house, we are leaded by one of the Rungus women & she explained the uses of all the stuffs in the long house. I like here a lot cause the environment here is tranquil & also the fresh air.

碎石路 / Gravel road

她在教我們這"東東"怎樣玩 /
She is showing how to play this thing

全部用手製成的 / All made by hand

睡房 / Bed room

哈哈﹐小弟在這與龍古斯人拍照。小弟像馬來人嗎? 哈哈。
Haha, I am here took photo with Rungus people.
Am I look like Malay? Haha. Guess how much the cost
for the hand made costume that I wearing?
Is MYR500, it took half year to complete it.

在這裡拍了不少照﹐過後我們進入了手工藝品店。在這裡買了紀念品後﹐繼續了我們的回程。三點半終於到達XX小姐的家﹐洗澡後進房休息。七點半我們來到了億達(Lintas) 走走﹐在這裡買了晚餐後就直接回XX小姐的家用餐。用餐後﹐回房收拾行李準備明天回西馬﹐十一點就入睡了。

Snapped a lot of photos here & we proceed to the mini handicraft shop. Bought few souvenirs here & continued our journey back to Kota Kinabalu. At 3:30pm we reached at Miss XX’s house, after bath then take a rest. We went to Lintas at 7:30pm, we just walk around & bought my dinner. We had our dinner at around 8:30pm, after dinner I just packed up my bag prepared for back to Peninsular Malaysia by tomorrow. End my day 4 at 11pm.

手工藝品店 / Mini Handicraft Shop

龍古斯長屋 - "一個村莊﹐一種職業"
Rungus Longhouse - "One Village, One Industry"

Monday, June 12, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第三天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 3

這一天和昨日一樣凌晨五點四十五分就起床了﹐根本就睡不著。收拾好衣服後﹐在庭院走走。七點四十五分我們開車到同心素食館用早餐﹐過後來到了加亞街(Gaya Street) 。這條街有賣很多東西﹐人潮擁擠﹐但只在星期天擺攤。走了一陣子後﹐我們來到了其中一個賣紀念品的攤子。在這裡買了紀念品後﹐九點十五分就趕路上位於沙巴北部的古達(Kudat)。

Day 3 same as yesterday woke up at 5:45am, packed up my bag & rest for a while. We went to One Vision Vegetarian Restaurant at 7:45am for breakfast & proceed to Gaya Street. There are a lot of stalls at the street & selling a lot of things & the street is full with people and also foreigners, but from what Miss XX told me the street is just open on every Sunday. We just walked around & bought souvenirs from one of the souvenir stall. Then we started our journey at 9:15am to the north of Sabah, Kudat.

加亞街與賣紀念品的攤子 / Gaya Street and souvenir stall

我們從亞庇驅車大約用了三個小時的車程(大約一百九十公里)﹐一路上我們經過了沙巴大學(University Malaysia Sabah) ﹑小鄉村﹑哥打毛律(Kota Belud) ﹑還有一些小地方我忘了記起來。一路上有很多牛羊在馬路上越過﹐車子必需停下讓步﹐因為它們也有交”路稅” 。哈哈! 在它們眼中根本就” 目中無人” 。在途中﹐我們還停下車子買花生﹐據說這裡的花生很出名。三個小時的車程好辛苦﹐腰酸背痛﹐好不容易才看到” 歡迎光臨古達” 的字眼。

The journey almost took 3 hours from Kota Kinabalu (around 190km). On the way to Kudat, we past through UMS (University Malaysia Sabah), small villages, Kota Belud & few places that I could not remember. Cows & goats can see anywhere on the road, the most important thing is car must slow down the speed & stop for them to cross over the road cause they also “pay for road tax”, haha. After drive for such a long distance, we stop at halfway for a rest & bought some peanuts. Heard people said that Kudat is famous with peanuts & I just bought few packs. 3 hours of journey is totally tired, backache & butt almost cramp. Finally we saw the “Welcome to Kudat” signboard & we reached at Miss XX Uncle’s house at 12:30pm.

路途中經過回教堂 / On the way to Kudat, past through the mosque

敦穆史達法大廈 /

Menara Tun Mustapha
(previously known as Menara Yayasan Sabah)

沙巴大學 / University Malaysia Sabah(UMS)

哥打毛律 / Kota Belud


Miss XX’s uncle welcomes us with smiling face & he prepared a room for me. We rest for a while & Miss XX’s uncle treated us for the lunch at Xi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant. After lunch, Miss XX’s uncle took us to walk around at Kudat.

惜緣素食館 / Xi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant


First we went to Clock Tower, then past through Sabah Library at Kudat branch. After that we went to Esplanade seaside, snapped few photos here & past through a mosque. Then we turned into the Kudat Stadium & also the Kudat Golf & Marina Resort. The following place we went to is Kudat Airport. When walked into the Air Port, I saw a mini aeroplane in front of me & I like it a lot. After get permission from the trainer, we snapped photo with the aeroplane.

時鐘塔 / Clock Tower

Esplanade海邊 / Esplanade seaside

Esplanade海邊 / Esplanade seaside

古達高爾夫球高級酒店 / Kudat Golf & Marina Resort

眼前出現的就是這一架小型飛機﹐超喜歡它 /
This is the mini aeroplane that appear infront
of me, like it a lot

在沙巴怎樣都離不開大海﹐我們又來到了邦邦海灘(Bak-Bak Beach) 。據說在這裡曾經發生沉船事件﹐一艘日本船沉沒在海灘附近﹐沉船年份與船名不曉得﹐但還可以清澈地看見船的殘骸浮在海面。在這裡拍照後﹐我們回到了XX小姐伯父的家休息一會。XX小姐的伯父問我來這是否要看日落﹐我說是。他說將帶我到一個地方看日落﹐那地方在沙巴是唯一的一個地方能看見日出與日落的地方﹐意思是說站在同一地方早上可以看見日出傍晚可以看見日落的地方。那地方座落在古達最北部 (婆羅洲最北部) ﹐名字叫”燈火樓” (The Tip Of Borneo, (Tanjung Simpang Mengayau)) ﹐近年來政府還大力推廣這地方為觀光區﹐就連香港TVB無線電視台也拉大隊來這裡拍攝外景[詳細資料請按這裡]

At Sabah you will never escape from the seaside cause you can see it anywhere & again we went to Bak-Bak Beach after that. Heard from people saying that there is a Japanese ship sank near the Bak-Bak Beach seaside, the name & the ship sank year unknown but we still managed to see part of the wreck floating on the sea. Snapped few photos here & we back to home for a rest. Miss XX’s uncle asked me came to Kudat is it want to watch sunset & I answered yes. He told that we will going to a place that can watch sunset & the place is the only place at Sabah that manage to watch sunrise & sunset at the same location. Meaning when standing at the same place you can watch sunrise in the morning & watch sunset in the evening. The place is located at the most Northern of Kudat or Sabah, the name of the place is The Tip Of Borneo (Tanjung Simpang Mengayau). These few years government had announced that The Tip Of Borneo as a scenic place & encourage people to visit this place, even the Hong Kong TVB TV Station also came over here for filming.

邦邦海灘 / Bak-Bak Beach

船的殘骸浮在海面 / part of the wreck floating on the sea

四點四十五分我們開始了燈火樓的旅程﹐一路上可以看見很多椰樹。進入燈火樓的路段很難走因為是碎石路﹐車子抖得很厲害﹐所以一路上我們得到了”免費按摩” ﹐哈哈! 大約用了四十分鐘才到達燈火樓﹐當我打開車門在燈火樓踏下我人生的第一步時﹐我第一次看見了我人生還未看過的美景﹐超讚! 這裡風似很強﹐我望著大海﹐頭腦是空白的﹐只聽到風聲在我耳旁響起。我根本不敢相信我能從西馬飛到東馬再到達婆羅洲最北部﹐但這是事實﹐哈哈。

We started the journey to The Tip Of Borneo at 4:45pm; along the way you can see a lot of coconut tree at both of the roadsides. The only thing I don’t like is the road; all the way we got a “free massage” cause the road is gravel. We almost took 45 minutes to reach there. When I open the car door & put my first step at Tip Of Borneo, this is the first time I saw the most beautiful scenery in my life. The place really impressed me with the nice sea view; the wind here is super strong. When I faced to the sea, my mind is blank and the only thing I can hear is wind blow sound past through my ears. I never believe I can flight over to Kota Kinabalu from West Malaysia and from Kota Kinabalu travel straight to the Northern of Borneo, but this is fact! Haha!

燈火樓的路段都是碎石路 /
A long the way to The Tip Of Borneo, the road is gravel

最終我們到達了燈火樓 /
Finally we reached at The Tip Of Borneo


Standing at The Tip Of Borneo listened to the wave sound is relaxing for me; the only thing I can feel is happy & happy. Meanwhile, I managed to see the Sulu Sea & the South China Sea at the same time cause The Tip Of Borneo is the meet point for both of the sea. I had snapped a lot of photos but feel a bit sad cause by part of the photos really blur, but the most regret thing for me is I can’t watch sunset cause by bad weather. We stayed until 6:30pm, but before we leave I promise to myself that I will be back to The Tip Of Borneo very soon. If you are Sabahan & never step at here before, I hope you can come to The Tip Of Borneo soon & you will never regret for such a nice place.

這就是燈火樓的景色, 超讚! /
The views from The Tip Of Borneo, so nice!

"您在此" / "You Are Here"


After back to town, we bought some foods at mini shop for our dinner & back to home at 8pm. They started to prepared cook the foods & we had our dinner at 8:45pm. I really don’t know what should I said for the dinner cause they prepared it special for me, the only thing that I should say is Thanks a lot to them for the care. Today feel really tired & met up with the bed at 10:30pm.

之前與之後的燈火樓(兩張的照片在網絡上得到的) /
The Tip Of Borneo- Before & After(Both the photos get from internet)