Saturday, March 31, 2007

它們是我的好幫手 / They Are My Helper

寫雙語部落格的確有點難﹐困難重重。因英語不好﹐寫了華語版後才來翻譯去英文版﹐但寫英文版時又不知那些華文字用英文怎麼寫﹐有時會查字典或問人。不知何時起﹐我找到了它們﹐它們可以說是我的好幫手。第一個好幫手就是來自”谷歌” 的” 語言工具”(Language Tools), 在裡頭可以選擇您要的翻譯語言﹐但這有限制性的﹐大多數是從英文翻譯去某某語言或是從某某語言翻譯去英文。裡頭現有的語言可被翻譯的包括英文﹑阿拉伯語﹑中文簡體和繁體字﹑法文﹑德文﹑意大利文﹑日文﹑韓文﹑葡萄牙文﹑俄羅斯文和西班牙語。

第二個好幫手是來自世界術語(WorldLingo) 的語言翻譯者﹐它大至上和谷歌的相同﹐唯一不同的是它沒限制性﹐可選擇從某某語言翻譯去某某語言。裡頭現有的語言可被翻譯的包括英文﹑中文簡體和繁體字﹑法文﹑德文﹑意大利文﹑葡萄牙文﹑西班牙語﹑俄羅斯文﹑荷蘭文﹑希臘文﹑瑞典語﹑阿拉伯語﹑日文和韓文。有了它們之後﹐部份不會的字眼都能一一的翻譯出來﹐但有小部份的文字不能很正確的翻譯出真正的意思。如果您有興趣﹐可以試試它們。到目前為此﹐只搜尋到這兩個好幫手﹐如果您有其它的好幫手﹐不如給我少許的意見。

Writing blog in 2 languages is a little bit difficult for me cause by my English is not so fluent, normally will type in Chinese first then only translate to English. But some of the Chinese word not sure how to translate when writing in English, normally will checked with dictionary or asked peoples. Wonder when I found my 2 helpers (translator), the first helper is the Language Tools Translator from Google. From there you can chose the languages that you want to translate but the translation got limitation, most of the languages is limited to translate to English or from English to other languages. The languages that currently available are English, Chinese Simplified & Traditional, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian & Spanish.

The second helper is from WorldLingo Language Translator, it almost same like Google’s Language Translator. The only different thing is you can choose from which language translate to which language, unlike the Google’s got limitation. The languages that currently available are English, Chinese Simplified & Traditional, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Greek, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese & Korean. By having them most of the words can translate correctly, but some of the words are differences from what I want after translated. If you interesting on these translator, you can have a try on it. For the moment, these are the 2 helpers that I found. If you have others language translator, kindly let me know.

Friday, March 30, 2007

無限制免費上載﹐讚! / Unlimited Free Upload, Perfect!


Recently found a website from a magazine, this company providing a 100% free unlimited disk space for upload & download files service for any user. But every time you can only upload maximum 100MB per file, but unlimited upload count per day. In case of the hard disk at home have a limited disk space, here will be the suitable choice. Good thing must share with yours, it's very simple to get start for the upload. You just need to create an account from:- and you are ready on the way to upload your file now. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

我的第二個睡房 / My Second Bedroom

我家有三間睡房﹐主人房當然是老爸和老娘的﹐下來就是最小的房間﹐那當然是小妹的啦。至於我的呢﹐當然比小妹的大而比主人房小啦。不過呀﹐有了它就等於沒有﹐因為我有個壞習慣就是喜歡在客廳睡多過在房間睡﹐寧願做廳長。老爸有時會開玩笑地跟我說不如租掉我的睡房給人﹐拿點租金來幫補家用不是更好。其實有時感覺到在客廳入睡的速度比在睡房快好多咧﹐還有客廳比睡房涼好多。有時翻來覆去睡不著﹐第一個想到的地方就是客廳﹐大概用五分鐘就與周公女兒會面了。客廳給我一個字﹐爽! 它也是我的第二個睡房﹐相信很多人也和我一樣有這個習慣吧! 您是其中一個嗎?

My apartment unit here has 3 bedrooms, the master bedroom is for Mom & Dad and the smallest bedroom is for my sister. For me, of course it’s a bedroom that bigger than sister’s room & smaller than master bedroom. Having a bedroom equal to no bedroom for me because I having a bad habit, I like to sleep at living room. Sometimes Dad will joke with me, asked me to rent my bedroom to others so that can earn some rental fees. I feel that living room is easier to fall in sleep and cooler than bedroom. When I can’t sleep at bedroom, the first place in my mind is living room. It just took me 5 minutes to fall in sleep. One word to describe my living room- COOL! It's also my second bedroom; I believed a lot of people like me having this habit! Are you?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

旅遊夢 / Traveling Dream

旅遊? 您想嗎? 不用想啦﹐答案肯定是想啦﹐有誰不想去旅遊呢。自從二零零四年的新加坡之旅後﹐常常都會心癢癢的想去旅遊﹐但錢包叔叔不點頭咧。我不貪心﹐每年至少給我出國旅遊一次我也很滿足了﹐希望我的旅遊夢每年都可以實現吧!

Traveling or go for trip? Do you want? What do you think? No need to think, answer sure will be want. Since after year 2004 went for the Singapore Trip, I feel like always want to go for travel but “Mr. Wallet” does not give help. I’m not a greedy person; at least one trip per year to travel to other country is enough for me. Hope my traveling dream will come true every year!

Monday, March 26, 2007

飛夢 / Fly Dream

我望向天空﹐看見不明物體在飛行﹐我問了老娘那是甚麼﹐娘說那是飛機啦。我再問飛機是甚麼﹐娘說飛機可以載人環遊世界﹐從一個地方飛到另外一個地方的交通工具。我說飛機那麼小﹐一個人也載不上啦﹐怎麼去載? 老娘無話可說了。別誤會﹐這是我還小時所發生的。


I look at the sky, saw an unknown object flying in the sky. I asked Mom what is that object, she said is an airplane. I asked Mom again what is airplane; she told me airplane is a vehicle that could take human travel around the world from one destination to another destination. I told Mom airplane is so small, not even one human can fit in then how could it fly human from destination to another destination? Mom got nothing to say…silent. Do not misunderstand; it’s just a conversation between Mom & me in my childhood.
Since then, I am very interested with airplane. After study at school, finally I knew what is airplane. Since then I hope I can travel with airplane and want to know what the feeling of it. Waited & waited… finally my dream has come true in my 24 year-old. I’m thinking, if every year I can travel at least with a return air ticket then I will be satisfy. This is what I called my Fly Dream!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

長頸部落之約 / A Date With Long Neck Tribe


Passed by the street, we reached at the tribes at neighbor country. The purpose to come here was to understanding their living cultural. The Long Neck Women in front of me placed a smile to us, just feel like have a warm regards from them. Thousand and million tourists has been visited these tribes & now the tribes is in front of me, I’m considered one of the lucky tourist who is able to visited such a tribe. The place is quiet added their unique costumes, it seem like I have reach a place before independence. Look at their faces & living cultural, feel like they got no worries at all. Before leave the tribes, I snapped a photo with the Long Neck Women. It note a colorful memory in my journey…

Thursday, March 22, 2007

上了寶貴的一堂課 / A Valuable Talks Show


這次的講座會是由JUST BE靜心坊主辦﹐<<中國報>>和隆雪華堂協辦﹐由胡因夢和陳祈明老師主講, 主題是” 現代人的文明病與情緒關係” 。胡老師以個人的經歷帶觀眾進入課題﹐課題中兩位講師有談到關於現代的文明病﹑憂鬱症以及花精療法等等。課題深深地吸引著我﹐所有談到的話題都與我息息相關﹐好像被他們點中一樣。這講座會讓我明白病的根源﹐人為何會憂鬱﹑害怕和驚恐等等的症狀出現。


Tuesday went to KL for a Health Talks; the hall was full with audiences. The talk was very attractive but the bad news was no air conditional & fans and caused some of the audiences leave the talks show.

JUST BE Center was the main organiser and sponsor by China Press & The Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall; the subject for the talks was “The Modern Disease And Emotional” by two speakers- Hu Yin Meng and Chen Qi Ming. Hu shared her experiences with the audiences and both of them discussed about the modern diseases, depression, flower remedies therapy and so on. The talks attracted me & most of the points that shared by them are related to me. The talks let me understand the causes of the diseases & illnesses and why people will feel like scare, worry, depression and so on.

The talks show took 2 hours to finish, and in these 2 hours time I felt I have learned something valuable and thanks to the speakers & organisers.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

地球人口在暴漲 / Increasing of population in the world

自地球出現了人類後﹐您是否知道人口的上升是由多少人口到多少人口嗎? 從報章上看到這則新聞﹐跟大家分享分享吧!




Do you know what is the amount for the increasing of population since the existence of human in the world? Found this article from newspaper; just want to share with yours.

100 thousand years ago, the population in the world was around 3,200,000 peoples. Early of 2000A.D, the population increased to 320,000,000. In the beginning of 17th Century, population increased to 550,000,000. Then in 19th Century, the amount was 1,700,000,000; the population increased around 1,150,000,000just in 200 years.

After the World War II, world’s population increased till 2,500,000,000; mean that the total amount increased just in 50 years time was around 1,350,000,000. In 1980, world’s population was 4,400,000,000; 1,900,000,000 peoples was increased in 30 years time.

According to the announcement from the United Nations, the world’s population is over 6,000,000,000 in this year. See that? Estimate when the time reach Year 2110, the population in the world will increase till 10,500,000,000. Can you imagine what will happen to the world when Year 2110 got some much peoples?

Friday, March 16, 2007

誰說小靈鹿沒好處!? / Who say Small Little Kancil no use!?


*Photo source from:-

我家的小靈鹿(馬來西亞第二小型國產車)就快要陪我度過第四個年頭了﹐家有老馬當然方便啦﹐但當駕駛著它和老爸出外時﹐老爸總是嘮叨地數著它的弱點。最常聽到他說的就是車子這樣小﹐放多一點東西都不行。這一點我有點認同﹐因後車箱太小當放滿東西後, 後坐的逼不得已要捨點位了﹐甚至於有時前坐也需要捨點位﹐您應該可以想像得到吧。

但近期我發現了這小靈鹿的好處﹐可能你聽了也會覺得蠻對的。眾所週知馬來西亞的道路很多都是這裡一個洞那裡一個洞的﹐補了再爛﹐爛了再補﹐補到阿媽都不認得﹐簡直是”面目全非” 。我住這兒就有條路爛得看了都會咋舌﹐大車子經過必定中招﹐必須放慢速度﹐否則進廠的可能性就越來越接近。這條爛路的情況是這樣的﹐整條路兩旁都是洞﹐車子要越過唯一的辦法是從中間越過﹐大車子肯定沒辦法躲避。但我發現這小靈鹿有它的好處﹐因車身小﹐駛過這條路時可過關斬將地躲過這一關。還有﹐當路太窄而前方有車停在路旁時﹐這小靈鹿可從旁邊越過﹐而稍微大一點的車必須等到前方的車駛走後才跟著後尾駛去。

My SLK - “Small Little Kancil” (a small car manufactured in Malaysia) going to celebrate the 4th anniversary with me soon. Of course it is convenient for me & family to having a car, but when I drive the SLK went out together with Dad he will always point out the weaknesses of the car. He always said the car is too small, can’t even put more things inside. Of course I agreed with this point, because the boot is too small. After the boot keep things till full then the back sit have to leave some space for keep things. Sometimes the front sit also have to do so, I thing you can imagine how “big” the SLK is.

But recently I found that the SLK have it pros, maybe you will agree with what I telling here too. As what we know most of the roads in Malaysia is badly damages, having holes everywhere. One of the roads in my area here is badly damage too, both sides of the road full with holes. If big car drive over sure will hit the holes, the only way to safely pass through is drive in the middle of the road. But for standard or big cars, it sure can’t escape the whole. My SLK have it pros, car size is small & when passing by the road can drive in the middle of the road without hit the holes. One more thing, if the road is small & there is a car stop beside the road in front of your car for a moment then the SLK can just pass over from the side of the car without waiting. For a standard or big cars it might not do that.

Beside these, I’m living at low cost apartment & it’s very difficult for me to have a parking space especially after 10p.m because is an open car park. If found a parking space after 10p.m, it’s consider very lucky. Last month went out late with friends and when I reached at the car park ready for park my car but found no parking space. Later on I found there is a parking space just few steps in front of me but I thought it wasn’t my luck cause in front of my car few cars was queuing. What surprised me was when all the cars in front of me just show signal to turn in but not turn into the parking space, finally I understand why they left the parking space. There was a lamppost behind the parking space and all the cars in front of me is big enough & not able to fit into the parking space. But for my SLK, it just took few seconds to park into the space cause SLK is a small car that just required little space. It considered lucky for me on that night. That’s the pros of SLK, will continue the post when I found new pros of SLK.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

紅包 / Red Packet

年已過﹐還是要寫寫關於紅包。紅包﹐又稱為壓歲錢﹐中國南方或香港人稱它為利市(即”利是”或”利事”的意思) 。最常收到紅包時是農曆新年﹐婚禮時也會派上用場。

每逢農曆新年﹐第一個收到的大紅包一定會來自老爸和老娘。我和小妹有個習慣﹐除夕收到雙親的紅包後一定會將它收藏到枕頭下﹐這才叫做”壓歲錢” 嘛! (壓歲錢其實是來自一個故事﹐如果您有讀過的話應該會知道)。還有還有﹐所有收到的紅包一定會等到過了元宵後才會開封﹐數數總共的數目。



Chinese New Year has passed, but I will post up something about Red Packet. Red packet or so called “Hung Bao”, South China or Hong Kong’s peoples named it as “Li Shi” or “Lei Si” means good luck or good. Most of the time will receive red packet at Chinese New Year, but it also for wedding.

For every Chinese New Year, the first red packet sure will receive from Mom & Dad. After received the red packet, sister & me will keep it under the pillow. This is our habit and the red packet that keep under the pillow in Mandarin called as “Ya Sui Qian” (there is a story why should keep the red packet under the pillow, if you has been read the story then you should know it). Beside this, we will only count the entire red packets amount after the Chap Goh Mei (the 15th day of CNY, also the last day of CNY).

I found that some of the children lack of courtesy, once they received the red packet they will straight away open the packet have a look on it. Mom & Dad has been warn us not to do that in front of others, till now what they told me still keep in my mind. But even without their warn, we should know that earlier. The amount received for this year is almost same as last year (not much). After work for 3 and half years, slowly I realised that the amount in the red packet is not so important whether it is little or a lot. The important thing is it’s just a gift from the elder to the young one from their heart.

One more important thing that you should know when you give red packets, the amount in the red packet should be “even” number cause it stands for luck or good. If there is “odd” number, it brings the meaning of funeral. So must remember this.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

月蝕 / Eclipse



在月蝕進行時﹐不止哪傻瓜一人在看﹐原來傻瓜的其他家中成員也陪他一齊傻傻地看月蝕。講到這裡﹐您應該知道哪傻瓜是誰吧? 哈哈。真的是好久沒看過月蝕了﹐如果您錯過了這次的月蝕﹐您可要等到八月二十八日了﹐但那時不知馬來西亞可看到嗎。拭目以待吧!

Chinese New Year has passed; the Eclipse has visited the world on the last day of Chinese New Year.

There is an idiot had set the alarm clock to 4:15am; once the alarm clock ring he quickly went out to the corridor and face over to the West side of the sky. What he saw was just the big moon with the round shape hanging on the sky. The camera & the tripod already set up, the idiot continue wait at the corridor. Wait and wait… time has passed so fast; the idiot felt really happy cause finally he saw the eclipse has started. At the beginning of the photo session, he found that all the photos that he snapped just now none of that look like Eclipse. He tried to change the settings of the camera but fail. He had make decision to give up, but end up he successful changed the settings of the camera. The idiot successfully snapped the process of the eclipse.

When the whole process of eclipse happened, is not only the idiot alone watching but his whole family was joined in. At this point you should know who is the idiot right? Haha. Has been long time never watching the Eclipse; if you missed out this Eclipse then you have to wait until 28th of August. But the problem is not sure whether it happens at Malaysia or not. Anyway, good luck to you people!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

過關斬將... / Escaped & escaped...

年初三﹐上了霹靂州姑姑的家拜年。今年感覺比較幸運﹐沒親戚問我是否找到了女朋友﹑幾時會帶女朋友回來等等的問題。在過去的幾年裡﹐親戚們都會問我是否已找到心愛對相或是年紀都大了為何不找個伴侶﹐要我怎樣回答呢? 相信還是單身二﹑三十出頭的你﹐一定和我一樣有過類似的經驗吧! 對嗎? 今年算幸運﹐過關斬將。嗨。。。一切隨緣吧﹐如果緣份要來的話﹐擋也擋不住咧! 可能我的桃花運就在今年咧﹐哈哈!

Day 3 of Chinese New Year went to Perak for a CNY open house at my auntie’s house. This year is luckier, no relatives asked me whether having any girl friend or not. For the passed few years, most of them will asked me the same questions or they will said my age is growing why still single or why not find a girl friend. All the questions repeated & repeated again, how am I going to answer them? I believe those who still single & the age is 20 or 30 plus will face the same situation like me! Right? This year consider lucky, escaped from all this questions. Haiii… just take it easy, everything is fine. If the fate is coming, no matter how you escape she or he will still be yours. Right? Maybe my love one is on the way to meet up with me by year, haha!