飛夢 / Fly Dream
我望向天空﹐看見不明物體在飛行﹐我問了老娘那是甚麼﹐娘說那是飛機啦。我再問飛機是甚麼﹐娘說飛機可以載人環遊世界﹐從一個地方飛到另外一個地方的交通工具。我說飛機那麼小﹐一個人也載不上啦﹐怎麼去載? 老娘無話可說了。別誤會﹐這是我還小時所發生的。
I look at the sky, saw an unknown object flying in the sky. I asked Mom what is that object, she said is an airplane. I asked Mom again what is airplane; she told me airplane is a vehicle that could take human travel around the world from one destination to another destination. I told Mom airplane is so small, not even one human can fit in then how could it fly human from destination to another destination? Mom got nothing to say…silent. Do not misunderstand; it’s just a conversation between Mom & me in my childhood.
I look at the sky, saw an unknown object flying in the sky. I asked Mom what is that object, she said is an airplane. I asked Mom again what is airplane; she told me airplane is a vehicle that could take human travel around the world from one destination to another destination. I told Mom airplane is so small, not even one human can fit in then how could it fly human from destination to another destination? Mom got nothing to say…silent. Do not misunderstand; it’s just a conversation between Mom & me in my childhood.
Since then, I am very interested with airplane. After study at school, finally I knew what is airplane. Since then I hope I can travel with airplane and want to know what the feeling of it. Waited & waited… finally my dream has come true in my 24 year-old. I’m thinking, if every year I can travel at least with a return air ticket then I will be satisfy. This is what I called my Fly Dream!
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