Saturday, March 31, 2007

它們是我的好幫手 / They Are My Helper

寫雙語部落格的確有點難﹐困難重重。因英語不好﹐寫了華語版後才來翻譯去英文版﹐但寫英文版時又不知那些華文字用英文怎麼寫﹐有時會查字典或問人。不知何時起﹐我找到了它們﹐它們可以說是我的好幫手。第一個好幫手就是來自”谷歌” 的” 語言工具”(Language Tools), 在裡頭可以選擇您要的翻譯語言﹐但這有限制性的﹐大多數是從英文翻譯去某某語言或是從某某語言翻譯去英文。裡頭現有的語言可被翻譯的包括英文﹑阿拉伯語﹑中文簡體和繁體字﹑法文﹑德文﹑意大利文﹑日文﹑韓文﹑葡萄牙文﹑俄羅斯文和西班牙語。

第二個好幫手是來自世界術語(WorldLingo) 的語言翻譯者﹐它大至上和谷歌的相同﹐唯一不同的是它沒限制性﹐可選擇從某某語言翻譯去某某語言。裡頭現有的語言可被翻譯的包括英文﹑中文簡體和繁體字﹑法文﹑德文﹑意大利文﹑葡萄牙文﹑西班牙語﹑俄羅斯文﹑荷蘭文﹑希臘文﹑瑞典語﹑阿拉伯語﹑日文和韓文。有了它們之後﹐部份不會的字眼都能一一的翻譯出來﹐但有小部份的文字不能很正確的翻譯出真正的意思。如果您有興趣﹐可以試試它們。到目前為此﹐只搜尋到這兩個好幫手﹐如果您有其它的好幫手﹐不如給我少許的意見。

Writing blog in 2 languages is a little bit difficult for me cause by my English is not so fluent, normally will type in Chinese first then only translate to English. But some of the Chinese word not sure how to translate when writing in English, normally will checked with dictionary or asked peoples. Wonder when I found my 2 helpers (translator), the first helper is the Language Tools Translator from Google. From there you can chose the languages that you want to translate but the translation got limitation, most of the languages is limited to translate to English or from English to other languages. The languages that currently available are English, Chinese Simplified & Traditional, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian & Spanish.

The second helper is from WorldLingo Language Translator, it almost same like Google’s Language Translator. The only different thing is you can choose from which language translate to which language, unlike the Google’s got limitation. The languages that currently available are English, Chinese Simplified & Traditional, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Greek, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese & Korean. By having them most of the words can translate correctly, but some of the words are differences from what I want after translated. If you interesting on these translator, you can have a try on it. For the moment, these are the 2 helpers that I found. If you have others language translator, kindly let me know.


Frankie said...

Well I use to write the bi-lingual blog. It is really tuff. Anyway, translate using goole dont seem like giving the correct meaning of our article. How do you overcome this?

ED said...

If Google translator not giving the correct meaning, then i will go for dictionary. After check at dictionary, then will double confirm with friends. If dictionary & friends not sure whether correct or not, then probabily i will skip the sentence or use other words for replace it. It is really tuff to translate from chinese to english actually, so sorry for those who read the English version. Anyway, do you found any others language translator?

Frankie said...

haha, I ended up with give up.

ED said...

don't give up, continue your bi-lingual blog lar.加油!