Thursday, March 01, 2007

過關斬將... / Escaped & escaped...

年初三﹐上了霹靂州姑姑的家拜年。今年感覺比較幸運﹐沒親戚問我是否找到了女朋友﹑幾時會帶女朋友回來等等的問題。在過去的幾年裡﹐親戚們都會問我是否已找到心愛對相或是年紀都大了為何不找個伴侶﹐要我怎樣回答呢? 相信還是單身二﹑三十出頭的你﹐一定和我一樣有過類似的經驗吧! 對嗎? 今年算幸運﹐過關斬將。嗨。。。一切隨緣吧﹐如果緣份要來的話﹐擋也擋不住咧! 可能我的桃花運就在今年咧﹐哈哈!

Day 3 of Chinese New Year went to Perak for a CNY open house at my auntie’s house. This year is luckier, no relatives asked me whether having any girl friend or not. For the passed few years, most of them will asked me the same questions or they will said my age is growing why still single or why not find a girl friend. All the questions repeated & repeated again, how am I going to answer them? I believe those who still single & the age is 20 or 30 plus will face the same situation like me! Right? This year consider lucky, escaped from all this questions. Haiii… just take it easy, everything is fine. If the fate is coming, no matter how you escape she or he will still be yours. Right? Maybe my love one is on the way to meet up with me by year, haha!


Wois said...



ED said...

哈哈﹐"船到橋頭自然直!" 加油加油!