Sunday, March 18, 2007

地球人口在暴漲 / Increasing of population in the world

自地球出現了人類後﹐您是否知道人口的上升是由多少人口到多少人口嗎? 從報章上看到這則新聞﹐跟大家分享分享吧!




Do you know what is the amount for the increasing of population since the existence of human in the world? Found this article from newspaper; just want to share with yours.

100 thousand years ago, the population in the world was around 3,200,000 peoples. Early of 2000A.D, the population increased to 320,000,000. In the beginning of 17th Century, population increased to 550,000,000. Then in 19th Century, the amount was 1,700,000,000; the population increased around 1,150,000,000just in 200 years.

After the World War II, world’s population increased till 2,500,000,000; mean that the total amount increased just in 50 years time was around 1,350,000,000. In 1980, world’s population was 4,400,000,000; 1,900,000,000 peoples was increased in 30 years time.

According to the announcement from the United Nations, the world’s population is over 6,000,000,000 in this year. See that? Estimate when the time reach Year 2110, the population in the world will increase till 10,500,000,000. Can you imagine what will happen to the world when Year 2110 got some much peoples?

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