Thursday, December 27, 2007

選擇與衡量 / Choice and Judge

籃中的兩顆蘋果要我選擇其中一顆,這次我選了最丑的那顆。哈。。。甜得不得了。這可讓我想起英文時常說的那句名言: “Don't judge the book by the cover!”(別以書皮來衡量整本書),華人也時常說的那句"別以貌取人"。


There are 2 apples in the basket for me to choose; this time I chose the ugliest one. Haha… so sweet. This recalls me the statement of “Don't judge the book by the cover!”, and it has the same meaning as what Chinese people said: “Don’t judge somebody by their face!”

For previous experience, I did choose the apple with good looks but the taste was bad & not sweet at all. From here I realized & learned something, it is no way we can judge something or somebody only by outside or by their looks. Looks is just a looks, or outside is just an outside, if want to see or judge somebody or something then we must try to understand them. Good understanding might get the result obvious and clearer, sometime even the result that you get is not as bad or as good as what we thought.

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