Tuesday, December 26, 2006

佈萊蒂沙魯之旅 / Pulai Desaru Trip

又到了年度公司之旅﹐今年公司選擇到柔佛州的佈萊蒂沙魯(Pulai Desaru)三天遊。行程從十一月十號至十二號﹐從早上七點半開車﹐路途遙遠。到達古萊時﹐已經中午了﹐在那兒用午餐再繼續趕路。大約兩點半才到達渡假屋﹐太累了。到達後第一時間就是先拍拍照﹐還遇見了某某子公司的同事﹐在那兒跟他們聊天。聊天後﹐跟同事到了游泳池游泳。時間過得很快﹐又到了晚上的週年晚宴。晚宴從八點多開始直到凌晨十二點結束。當中有游戲和跳舞表演﹐我最期待的就是幸運抽獎﹐但今年沒去年那麼幸運﹐所以空手而回。



Is company trip again! This year company had chose Pulai Desaru at Johor as our destination for 3 days trip. The trip was started from 11th till 12th of November, met up at HQ at 7:30am. It was a long journey. We had our lunch at Kulai around 12:30pm, and then continued the journey to Pulai Desaru. It was a tired journey, reached at the resort around 2:30pm. After reached, the first thing was snapped photos. Met up with branches staff and chit chat with them. After chit chat, swam with colleagues at swimming pool. Time passed so fast, it’s the time for annual dinner night. The dinner started at around 8pm till 12 midnights, in between we had games and dances. The most expected game for me was the lucky draw, but this year not as lucky as last year cause not won anything.

For the 2nd day, company had prepared few games but I did not participated. For dinner, company had book a seafood restaurant for the staffs. 2 of my colleagues & me were served with the special vegetarian foods. After dinner, we back to resort for a rest at the hall. At the hall, we were enjoying with the songs from the singer. That’s the end for the 2nd day.

The next day after breakfast, we started our journey back to HQ at around 10am. The most worth thing that need to mention for the whole trip was the sunrises at the 2nd day & 3rd day, I did wait for the sunrises at around 5am with the gang. The sunrise for both of the days was different, and if not mistaken this was the 1st time I saw sunrise “floated out” from the sea in my life.

Monday, December 18, 2006

你會唸嗎? / Do you know how to read this?


Last Saturday watch a game show, the host was asking someone how to read “Da Niu Bi Jiao Lan”(read in Mandarin) in backward. So, do you know how to read?

P/s: “Da Niu Bi Jiao Lan” in Mandarin mean big cow lazier. If you understand Mandarin then you show able to read in backward or understand the meaning from backward else you can ask someone who understand Mandarin to help up. If your parents understand Mandarin, please do not ask them. Ok. :p

Thursday, November 23, 2006

當我們同在一起... / When We All Together...

十一月四日跟著一班朋友上了武吉丁宜(Bukit Tinggi) 一天遊。這裡和我前幾年來時一模一樣﹐沒很大的更改。首先我們去了日本茶葉屋和植物園﹐然後再到法國村看看法國式的屋子。到這裡來的目的還是要拍拍照﹐被那兒的花花草草與風景吸引著。但是拍出來的效果有點不滿﹐真的要多多努力學學拍照的技術了。下次還是要多多請教NottyboyFox大哥了。


4th of November went to Bukit Tinggi with the gang for one day trip. Been there for few years ago, and there has not much change. At first we went to the Japanese Tea House & the Botanical Garden, then proceed to France Village for have a look on France Houses. The main point for me to here was snap photos, and I was attracted by the flowers and the scenery there. But the result of the photos was unsatisfied, I think I should put more efforts on the snapping skills & should learn the skills from my seniors Nottyboy & Fox brother.

In fact, I think Bukit Tinggi less of tourists & the main fact was the organizers & the government did not promote the place. Year 2007 was set as Malaysia Tourism Year by the government, and by the time I hope government can promote Bukit Tinggi to other states & countries so that others people will know Malaysia have a such wonderful place.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

波德申一日遊 / Port Dickson One-Day Trip

開齋節的第一天趁著是假期便和家人去了波德申一日遊﹐當日很早就出發了。先到芙蓉吃早餐﹐然後再駛上波德申。到了波德申﹐我們選了巴與海灘(Bayu Beach) 。在那兒沒什麼好玩﹐只是跟家人拍了幾張照。因為太晒的關係﹐不到三小時就收拾東西走人。午餐在附近的餐廳解決﹐然後再駛上提亞拉海灘度假村(Tiara Beach Resort)。那裡更加悶﹐只逗留了一陣子就走了。回家的路還蠻順昌﹐很快就回到家了。

On the first day of Aidilfitri went to Port Dickson for 1-day trip with my family, we started our trip early in the morning. Have our breakfasts at Seremban, then continued the journey to Port Dickson. We chose Bayu Beach as our destination after reach at Port Dickson. It actually not much fun at there, I just snapped few photos with my family. The weather is hot & we are not managed to stay there for 3 hours. We had our lunch at the restaurant nearby, then proceed to Tiara Beach Resort. Here is much more boring, we just stay for around half an hour & proceed back to home with the safe journey.

Friday, November 03, 2006

智能氣功 / Zhi Neng Qi Gong


昨天去了那兒﹐只見班員﹐負責人沒空來。班員對我說不如跟著他們一起學﹐就這樣學了第一堂智能氣功課。因為沒練過﹐需要看著班員的練法。可能是第一次練的關係﹐心跳加速, 全身冒冷汗﹐身體有點發抖。發覺當大家一起練功時﹐那裡的磁場很強。當練著用手拉氣的小氣功時﹐我真的感覺到雙手掌中有一鼓氣在旋動著。練功完畢後﹐問了班員為何會這樣時﹐他們說如果第一次練時有氣在手旋動﹐那證明對氣功有感應﹐是很好的。

此氣功能治其難雜病﹐就連癌症都能醫好﹐但是要有耐心和信心。對此氣功只能說一個字﹐棒! 練功地點在馬來西亞雪蘭莪州八打靈觀音亭﹐每逢星期二﹑四和日晚上八點至十點鐘。有興趣者可聯絡八打靈觀音亭﹐聯絡號碼是:603-77825108 或 603-77833323。


Has been long time my body suffered with few illness (tire/backbone pain/tight on breathing/pressure..etc), can’t really stand on these illness anymore. Coincidencely, when I read on a news in the newspaper I found an article about “Zhi Neng Qi Gong” (Intelligence Qi Gong). Without wasting my time, I did a research on the Internet. Thanks God, I found the contact number. Called up to the person in charge, he asked me come over to his place by yesterday for get future information about this Qi Gong then only decide whether want to join the class or not.

Yesterday when I went over to the place, I only saw the members of the class but the person in charge not there. Since person in charge not there, one of the members asked me to join the class first & follow the way in which they do. So from there I started my first class on “Zhi Neng Qi Gong”. Maybe cause by this is my first time, my heartbeats get faster and also cold sweats with a bit shudder. I can felt the power of “qi” very strong surrounding me when all of us practised together. After that, we practised on the small “qi gong” that need us to “pull” the “qi” from our palms, when doing this I can felt the “qi” is “moving” between my 2 palms. I did asked the member there why like that, he told me it happened to me in the first time means I got the induction with the “qi” and is good for me.

Actually this “qi gong” can cure a lot of illness including the cancer but need your patience and confidence, what can I say about this “Zhi Neng Qi Gong” is amazing! The location where we practise for this “Zhi Neng Qi Gong” is: Guan Yin Temple at Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. The time is from 8pm to 10pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Anyone if interesting on this “Qi Gong”, you can call this phone number: 603-77825108 or 603-77833323.

http://www.yuyang-qigong.com/ (note:* this is chinese website)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

<<單眼皮>> / "Sepet"

想看<<單眼皮>> 這部電影很久了﹐已經等了一年﹐NTV7終於在開齋節的第二天把這它搬上電視熒幕。<<單眼皮>>這部戲是馬來西亞的作品﹐是講述一名十九歲華裔男孩不分種族與宗教愛上了一名十六歲馬來女孩。從這部戲裡就可以看到馬來西亞人怎樣生活﹐整套戲都很生活化﹐就連對白都很直接﹐很容易讓人明白他們在表達什麼﹐但最可惜的是它以悲劇收場。想說說關於這部電影的差錯﹐那就是當聽到戲名<<單眼皮>>時就知道男主角是單眼皮嘛﹐但戲裡的其中一部分有講到關於男主角回想起他小時候與女主角在一起時﹐那小男主角竟然是雙眼皮的。。。哈哈﹐導演拜託找個單眼皮的吧!無論如何﹐馬來西亞可以拍攝出一部那麼生活化的電影而且還拿獎﹐不錯不錯!


Planned to watch the "Sepet" movie long time ago & had waited for almost 1 year. Finally NTV7 had showed the movie on the second day of Aidilfitri Festival, great! "Sepet" is a production of Malaysia, the story is about a 19-year old Chinese boy who regardless on race & religion fell in love with a 16-year old Malay girl. The movie clearly showing the Malaysian’s life, you can understand the story easily. The film is almost like “live”, even the dialog is straight to the point just like normal people way of speak. I like the story a lot, unfortunately it was sad ending. Just want to point out some mistakes here about the movie, the main actor is a single-eyelids boy. When he recalled back his childhood, the main actor kid is double-eyelids…. Haha… Director, please find someone whose eyelids is single one. Anyway, I think the movie is great cause Malaysia can filmed such a nice movie & became the winners of few Awards. Congratulation!


Note:*Photos source from http://www.sepet.com.my/

Saturday, October 28, 2006

再見舒馬克 / Bye Bye to Michael Schumacher

星期天是法拉利車隊最壓力的一場車賽﹐舒馬克終於完成了他生平最後的賽事。但得不到冠軍﹐得到了第四的排位﹐有點失望。贏了七次世界冠軍的他﹐是時候讓自己休息休息了。我在想﹐他退出後誰會坐上他那世界冠軍寶座呢? 感覺上阿隆索能做到﹐但還是要拭目以待。

Sunday was the most pressured day for Ferrari F1 team, Michael Schumacher finally finished his final race. Unfortunately, he not manages become the winner for the final race but won the 4th place. It is a bit sad for me. He has widely recognized as being the world’s best ever racing driver & seven-time world champion, I think it is time for him to have a rest now. What I’m thinking now was who will be the one who over take his place as a world champion winner? Feel that Alonso can do that, but still waiting for the result…

Sunday, September 24, 2006

祝觅觅生日快乐 / Happy Birthday to Mimi


24th of September a special day for someone, is Mimi’s birthday. Wishing her a Happy 24th Year Old Birthday, always young & pretty like a Princess & finally happy at all time. ;-)

Friday, September 08, 2006

如此差的服務! / Such a BAD SERVICES!

真的有點氣! 前幾天去了”XX銀行”提款時﹐櫃檯人員竟叫我到提款機提款因為我所提的數目少過馬幣四千五百令吉﹐不然的話要在戶口扣兩令吉。混蛋﹐這是什麼服務! 他還提醒我在一個月裡如果在提款機提款超過四次的話﹐第五次開始每次提款會扣五十仙。天呀﹐我真的不敢相信馬來西亞有如此差的銀行。上次的信用卡服務已經讓我很不滿了﹐現在還來多一單﹐問了其它銀行也沒這樣扣法。說真的﹐知道了這樣的服務後我只可用一個字來形容他們。。。懶! 勸請大家如果要開銀行戶口的話﹐請做出明確的選擇。我是因為這間銀行是公司的指定銀行而被避開戶口﹐不然的話它也不會在我名單中, 也希望國家銀行關注此事。

Few days ago went to “XXX Bank” for withdraw money, the counter personnel asked me withdraw the money from ATM machine cause the amount that I want to withdraw is less than RM4500 else they will deduct RM2 from my account. Shit! What service are they giving? He reminded me too if I withdraw money from ATM machine more than four times in 1 month, the fifth time onwards if I withdraw they will deduct 50 cent from my account too. My God, I cannot believe Malaysia got such a bad services bank. I already unsatisfied with the credit card service previously, now come another case. Has been asked for others bank about their service, but no such deductions apply at their bank. There is only one word can describing this bank…LAZY! Reminder for all of you, if want to apply account at bank please think twice & choose the right bank. I applied bank account at this bank is because company need, else this bank will not in my list. Hope the Central Bank take note about this & look into it.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

馬六甲的旅程 / Journey to Malacca



隔天一早再會了契媽用早餐﹐趁著還有時間她帶我來到了馬六甲河的最尾端拍拍海景。不知天高地厚的我終於發生了意外﹐我跌進了馬六甲河!!左手還割傷了﹐血就像噴泉似的擁著而出﹐染紅了我的手掌。會不會太誇張了叻? 哈哈。幸好還有這位這麼照顧我的契媽帶我去看醫生﹐因為傷口太大所以被避縫針。相信這次的旅途我

19th August feel free & went to Malacca for a short trip for meet up with my God Mother & Sister. Actually they are Malacca branch colleagues; just that we always chat & feel friendly so just called them as my God Mother & Sister. Haha. Reached at Malacca around 10a.m., met up with God Sister & went for breakfast. She accompanied me walk around at Malacca town, then I met up with God Mother at 3p.m.& she accompanied me to Tzu Chi Temple. Before went to Tzu Chi Temple my thought of the temple was just a small or simple temple, but when reached at Tzu Chi Temple I feel it was amazing place. The temple is big enough & so quiet, we order our drinks at the restaurant chitchat about what happened in our company recently. From our conversations, I can feel that she has a good working experiences. From here, I learned about how to “tie” up a relationship with someone & also the ways speak with someone. I also learned about join into a community & try to understand the way in which they deal with their jobs & forgive someone & respect someone.

After that, we went to seaside then proceed to Jonker Street for night market walk. We went for dinner then I back to my aunty house for overnight. Can’t sleep for the whole night maybe cause by is not my home. Haha.

The next day morning I met up with God Mother again for the breakfast, since it was still early then she accompanied me to the end of the Malacca River for snapped photos. But sad thing happened; I fell into the Malacca River. My left hand was injured; the blood was jump out like the spring. Is it too much? Haha. Luckily I still have a good colleague who take care of me & sent me to clinic. Due to the cut on my hand was too big, doctor suggested for stitch up. No choice. I will never forget about this journey to Malacca for my whole life, and at the end lighted up a perfect history for Malacca River. Haha!

慈濟佛堂 / Tzu Chi Temple

孤單的鳥兒等著另一伴的到來 / Lonely bird waiting for the coming of her partner

Friday, August 04, 2006

三週年了。。。 / My 3rd Anniversary...


4th of August 2006 is a special day for me; today is my 3rd anniversary in this company. Just recall back to the past 3 years, I have learned a lot of things. I have learnt how to work together with someone & join into their community, learn how to communicate with someone. Let’s talk about communicate, I feel that branches clerks is friendlier. They understand the way I work & I also understand what they want on their requested. Basically, I never argue with branches clerks. Let’s talk about HQ here; I feel the environment or the staffs here are not as good as branches clerks. But I still want to thanks to the boss that appointed me to this company, thanks to him give me a chance to work here. Thanks to those clerks that came in early than me but had already resigned, thanks to them cause take care of me previously. Finally, wishing all the best to this company.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

糊塗 [三] 。。。 / Blur Case [3] ...


Just back home & keep everything into my room. My God! Just notice & can’t find my wallet in my pocket. Where I dropped it? Ohh… just recall back, I left it at office’s drawer. No wonder feel that there is something haven’t take yet… My God, blur case happened continuously for the third time. Tomorrow morning have to pray more, hope that no police traffic road block for tomorrow cause my identity card & driving license is inside the wallet. God Bless Me!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

糊塗 [二] 。。。 / Blur Case [2] ...


Ed: ” 哈囉﹐請問你換了紙張的紙嗎?”
Y小姐: ” 甚麼?”
Ed: ” 噢﹐對不起。我的意思是請問你換了打印機的紙嗎?”
Y小姐: ” 哈哈哈哈。。。”


After done the job that requested by company branch clerk on last Friday, I ready to send over the printing to their printer. Use Skype called up to her: -

Ed: ”Hello, have you changed the paper on the paper?”
Miss Y: ”What?”
Ed: “Ohh, sorry. I mean have you changed the paper on the printer?”
Miss Y: “Hahahaha…”

Haiiizzz… So blur, blur case happened again.

Friday, July 14, 2006

糊塗。。。 / Blur Case...

望著電腦熒幕﹐沉重的眼皮快支撐不著了。腦袋裡只想到要用公司的系統傳短訊給子公司的同事﹐因為她們要求的東西已做好了。進了系統﹐看見了同事的名字﹐按了鍵盤”4”按鈕 ﹐刪除名字。天呀﹐我怎麼會刪除她的名字呢? 怎麼搞的﹐她還用著系統叻。她肯定會莫名其妙用到一半被系統踢出去﹐N姐姐﹐真對不起啊。刪除了她的名字三十秒後才驚覺我剛才的舉動﹐我竟糊塗到這個樣子。明明要傳短訊但竟然刪除了她的名字。嗨。。。。Ed, 醒醒吧! 不過還好﹐三分鐘後看見她的名字重回系統﹐幸虧沒來電問我﹐謝天謝地。我知道我現在已經很累了。。。

Looking at the monitor screen with my half-close eyes, I can’t stand anymore. The only thing in my mind is send message to one of the branch clerk cause the jobs that requested by her already done. Logged in into company system & look for her name, found her name & press the keyboard button “4” for delete name. Deletion completed! My God, what I doing? Why I deleted her name in the system? What happened? She is still using the system, I’m sure she will shock when suddenly kick-off by the system. Miss N, sorry about that. I realised this just after 30 seconds from the termination, I’m so blur. I should send message but end up to deleted user name, haiiii… Ed, wake up please! But I ‘m lucky, just saw her name return to system after 3 minutes. Thanks God, luckily she didn’t call up. By now, I knew I’m very tire…

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

成也基丹﹐敗也基丹! / Zidane Won, Zidane lost!

“成也基丹﹐敗也基丹!”。在某某報章看見這字眼﹐真的佩服基丹。佩服他甚麼呢? 敗的是他與他的法國球員敗給意大利以及做出那鐵頭功事件﹐成的是基丹沒吃雞蛋﹐鐵頭功事件後他竟然還能拿到金球獎。佩服佩服! 所謂” 流得青山在﹐哪怕沒材燒” ﹐拿了紅卡﹐還是一條金球獎的好漢。基丹﹐加油! 我要拜你為師了。。。

“Zidane won, Zidane lost!”. Saw this article at one of the Chinese newspaper, salute to Zidane. What I salute with? What he lost? The lost was Zidane & his team players beat by Italy’s team & also the head butts action. Why he won? Zidane was voted as the World Cup’s best player, clinching the prestigious Golden Ball Award even happened the head butts action. Salute & salute again! Get the red card still the best player, Zidane all the best to you. You can become my teacher already…

Monday, July 10, 2006

意大利 - 大贏家! / Italy - The Soul Winner!

二零零六年的世界杯足球賽終於落幕了﹐一向不喜歡看球賽的我﹐從第一場到半決賽都沒有完整的看完一場。但偏偏在決賽圈那天能從凌晨兩點鐘看到五點鐘﹐我真的發瘋了。那場球賽真的很精彩﹐節奏感很快也很亂。但還有人比我還要瘋﹐瘋到用他那” 鐵頭功” 頂在意大利球員馬特拉濟的胸口。基丹﹐我真的佩服了你! 上與下半場獨自一人在看真的悶到抽筋﹐沒有人一起喊。但在踢點球時場面不同了﹐三條”懶蟲”( 父親﹑姐姐與妹妹) 竟起身陪我一起看﹐這就是世界杯的威力。意大利每十二年贏一次的玄機真的成真了﹐意大利你做到了。佩服! 下一局的二零一零年世界杯足球賽在南非再見吧!

World Cup 2006 has ended; I didn’t even watch any full match since the first match till the semi-final match. But I did watch the final match from 2a.m. until 5a.m; I think I’m crazy. The match was perfect; the players’ movement was super fast. I think someone was crazy than me, crazy until used his “Head Kung Fu” to hit the Italy player Materazzi. Zidane, really salute to you. The first & second-half of the match was too bored cause watch alone, but situation has changed when came to the final penalty kick. 3 of the “sleepy bugs”(Dad & both of my sisters) woke up & join me watch the match, this is the power of World Cup. The promised for become the winner of the World Cup for every twelve years has come true for Italy, Italy you did it! Salute! Just stay & wait for the coming of 2010 World Cup at South Africa, all the best to Italy.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

再次做個不孝子。。。 / I'm Not A Filial's Son Again...

父親節已過四天﹐還沒對父親說聲”父親節快樂”﹐父親節當日也沒能與父親慶祝父親節﹐因為我跨越了他國旅遊。看看啦﹐我又再次做個不孝了﹐我也忘了這是第幾次在我生平做個不孝兒﹐反而大姐與小妹能數得出﹐討厭﹗但是這次有人和我一起不孝﹐那就是大姐與小妹﹐哈哈﹗因為她們也與我一起出國旅遊。嗨。。。廢話少講了﹐我又來這一套了。。。 ”其實孝心不一定只是在父親節才實行﹐對我來說每天都是父親節, 不要等到他不再時才來孝敬﹐那已太遲了。在此﹐願天下所有的父親” “父親節快樂”。” 你覺得這句話曾經在那裡讀過嗎? 哈哈!

Father’s Day has passed 4 days ago, but I still haven’t wishes my Dad “Happy Father’s Day”. Some more I can’t celebrate with Dad on Sunday cause had travel to others country for a trip, do you see that I’m not a filial’s son again? I’m not sure how many times I had become a not filial’s son in my life, but boths of my sister manage to remember for me. Hate this! But this time situation has changed, boths of my sister become a not filial’s daughter too cause they are in the trip too. Haha! Fine, just shorten it…. Here I come again… “Actually filial is not only given on Father’s Day, for me everyday is Father’s Day. Do not wait until he is not here then only filial to him, that is too late. Again, wishing every Dad in the world a Happy Father’s day”." Do you feel this sentences very familiar? Haha!

Friday, June 16, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第五天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 5

基本上第五天沒地方好去﹐六點鐘起床後在XX小姐的家用早餐。七點鐘瑪小姐載我到朋友家然後直接上班﹐而我跟隨了朋友到沙巴大學 (University Malaysia Sabah)走走。沙巴大學真的很大﹐環境幽美﹐在這拍了些照。過後跟著朋友到市中心用午餐﹐午餐後到了沙巴分行的子公司會一會我的同事。大家只聊了一會﹐道別後回到朋友家休息一會。三點鍾我開始了西馬的回程﹐三點半到達了哥打京那巴魯亞航機場。檢查行李後﹐獨自一人等著飛機的到來﹐這時的心情真的是依依不捨。六點半飛機終於出現在我眼前﹐踏上了飛機後再次跟沙巴說聲再見。我跟沙巴真的有一段很濃厚的感覺﹐默默的愛上了這地方。沙巴﹐我們明年再見!

Woke up at 6am & had my breakfast at Miss XX’s house, basically the fifth day not much places can visit cause not much time for that day. 7am Miss XX fetched me to meet up with my friend & she proceeds to work, and I had followed my friend went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The environment at UMS is so nice & I had snapped few photos here, then we proceed for our lunch. After lunch, I met up with my Sabah branch’s colleagues. Just chitchat for a while & back to my friend’s house for a rest. At 3pm I started my journey back to Peninsular Malaysia, reached at AirAsia Kota Kinabalu Terminal at 3:30pm. After check in, just wait there alone & the feeling now is sad & doesn’t want to back home. Haha. Finally the flight reached at 6:30pm, after stepped into the flight just said again bye bye to Sabah. Feel that I had a “deep feeling” with Sabah & fall in love with this place. Sabah, see you again next year!

沙巴大學 / University Malaysia Sabah(UMS)

再見﹐沙巴! / Goodbye, Sabah!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第四天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 4

這一天清晨六點半就起床了﹐收李後﹐七點鐘在XX小姐伯父的家用早餐。休息一會後﹐九點十五分開始了我們的回程。首先我們來到古達菜市場買花生﹐過後再到惜緣素食館用第二回的早餐。十點半從惜緣素食館出發﹐一路上我們尋找著一個地方﹐那地方叫”巴望尬周”鄉村 (Kampung Bavanggazo)。據XX小姐透露﹐”巴望尬周”(Bavanggazo)在卡達山語的意思是大河。” 巴望”(Bavang) 是指”河”﹐”尬周”(gazo) 是指”大”, 所以形成了” 大河” 的意思。大約駕駛了四十五分鐘後﹐我們找到了指示牌。

Day 4 woke up at 6:30am, after packed up my bag then had my breakfast at Miss XX Uncle’s house. We rest for a while & started our journey back to Kota Kinabalu at 9:15am. First we went to Kudat market for bought some peanuts, then proceed to Xi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant for our second round breakfast. After breakfast, we started our journey at 10:30am. On the way back, we are looking for a place called Kampung Bavanggazo (Bavanggazo Village). According to what Miss XX told me, Bavanggazo in Kadazan Language means “Big River”. “Bavang” mean River, “gazo” mean Big. So it forms the words of Big River. After 45 minutes of driving, we saw the signboard to the village.

”巴望尬周”鄉村的指示牌 / Signborad to Bavanggazo Village

這裡的路很難走因為是碎石路﹐我們順著指示牌慢慢的駛進﹐終於找到了那地方。在這裡﹐我生平第一次看見了長屋﹐這裡的長屋是龍古斯族(Rungus) 住的。一位龍古斯婦女帶我們到長屋裡走走﹐她還解釋了長屋裡所有的東西以及器具的用處。很喜歡這地方真的很寧靜﹐空氣也比較新鮮。

The road to the village is gravel again; we had to drive in slowly. Finally we reach at the village after 10 minutes drive in & this is my first time saw the long house ever in my life. The long house here is owned by the Rungus (ethnic group). When we entered to the long house, we are leaded by one of the Rungus women & she explained the uses of all the stuffs in the long house. I like here a lot cause the environment here is tranquil & also the fresh air.

碎石路 / Gravel road

她在教我們這"東東"怎樣玩 /
She is showing how to play this thing

全部用手製成的 / All made by hand

睡房 / Bed room

哈哈﹐小弟在這與龍古斯人拍照。小弟像馬來人嗎? 哈哈。
Haha, I am here took photo with Rungus people.
Am I look like Malay? Haha. Guess how much the cost
for the hand made costume that I wearing?
Is MYR500, it took half year to complete it.

在這裡拍了不少照﹐過後我們進入了手工藝品店。在這裡買了紀念品後﹐繼續了我們的回程。三點半終於到達XX小姐的家﹐洗澡後進房休息。七點半我們來到了億達(Lintas) 走走﹐在這裡買了晚餐後就直接回XX小姐的家用餐。用餐後﹐回房收拾行李準備明天回西馬﹐十一點就入睡了。

Snapped a lot of photos here & we proceed to the mini handicraft shop. Bought few souvenirs here & continued our journey back to Kota Kinabalu. At 3:30pm we reached at Miss XX’s house, after bath then take a rest. We went to Lintas at 7:30pm, we just walk around & bought my dinner. We had our dinner at around 8:30pm, after dinner I just packed up my bag prepared for back to Peninsular Malaysia by tomorrow. End my day 4 at 11pm.

手工藝品店 / Mini Handicraft Shop

龍古斯長屋 - "一個村莊﹐一種職業"
Rungus Longhouse - "One Village, One Industry"