Wednesday, July 12, 2006

成也基丹﹐敗也基丹! / Zidane Won, Zidane lost!

“成也基丹﹐敗也基丹!”。在某某報章看見這字眼﹐真的佩服基丹。佩服他甚麼呢? 敗的是他與他的法國球員敗給意大利以及做出那鐵頭功事件﹐成的是基丹沒吃雞蛋﹐鐵頭功事件後他竟然還能拿到金球獎。佩服佩服! 所謂” 流得青山在﹐哪怕沒材燒” ﹐拿了紅卡﹐還是一條金球獎的好漢。基丹﹐加油! 我要拜你為師了。。。

“Zidane won, Zidane lost!”. Saw this article at one of the Chinese newspaper, salute to Zidane. What I salute with? What he lost? The lost was Zidane & his team players beat by Italy’s team & also the head butts action. Why he won? Zidane was voted as the World Cup’s best player, clinching the prestigious Golden Ball Award even happened the head butts action. Salute & salute again! Get the red card still the best player, Zidane all the best to you. You can become my teacher already…

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