Thursday, June 15, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第四天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 4

這一天清晨六點半就起床了﹐收李後﹐七點鐘在XX小姐伯父的家用早餐。休息一會後﹐九點十五分開始了我們的回程。首先我們來到古達菜市場買花生﹐過後再到惜緣素食館用第二回的早餐。十點半從惜緣素食館出發﹐一路上我們尋找著一個地方﹐那地方叫”巴望尬周”鄉村 (Kampung Bavanggazo)。據XX小姐透露﹐”巴望尬周”(Bavanggazo)在卡達山語的意思是大河。” 巴望”(Bavang) 是指”河”﹐”尬周”(gazo) 是指”大”, 所以形成了” 大河” 的意思。大約駕駛了四十五分鐘後﹐我們找到了指示牌。

Day 4 woke up at 6:30am, after packed up my bag then had my breakfast at Miss XX Uncle’s house. We rest for a while & started our journey back to Kota Kinabalu at 9:15am. First we went to Kudat market for bought some peanuts, then proceed to Xi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant for our second round breakfast. After breakfast, we started our journey at 10:30am. On the way back, we are looking for a place called Kampung Bavanggazo (Bavanggazo Village). According to what Miss XX told me, Bavanggazo in Kadazan Language means “Big River”. “Bavang” mean River, “gazo” mean Big. So it forms the words of Big River. After 45 minutes of driving, we saw the signboard to the village.

”巴望尬周”鄉村的指示牌 / Signborad to Bavanggazo Village

這裡的路很難走因為是碎石路﹐我們順著指示牌慢慢的駛進﹐終於找到了那地方。在這裡﹐我生平第一次看見了長屋﹐這裡的長屋是龍古斯族(Rungus) 住的。一位龍古斯婦女帶我們到長屋裡走走﹐她還解釋了長屋裡所有的東西以及器具的用處。很喜歡這地方真的很寧靜﹐空氣也比較新鮮。

The road to the village is gravel again; we had to drive in slowly. Finally we reach at the village after 10 minutes drive in & this is my first time saw the long house ever in my life. The long house here is owned by the Rungus (ethnic group). When we entered to the long house, we are leaded by one of the Rungus women & she explained the uses of all the stuffs in the long house. I like here a lot cause the environment here is tranquil & also the fresh air.

碎石路 / Gravel road

她在教我們這"東東"怎樣玩 /
She is showing how to play this thing

全部用手製成的 / All made by hand

睡房 / Bed room

哈哈﹐小弟在這與龍古斯人拍照。小弟像馬來人嗎? 哈哈。
Haha, I am here took photo with Rungus people.
Am I look like Malay? Haha. Guess how much the cost
for the hand made costume that I wearing?
Is MYR500, it took half year to complete it.

在這裡拍了不少照﹐過後我們進入了手工藝品店。在這裡買了紀念品後﹐繼續了我們的回程。三點半終於到達XX小姐的家﹐洗澡後進房休息。七點半我們來到了億達(Lintas) 走走﹐在這裡買了晚餐後就直接回XX小姐的家用餐。用餐後﹐回房收拾行李準備明天回西馬﹐十一點就入睡了。

Snapped a lot of photos here & we proceed to the mini handicraft shop. Bought few souvenirs here & continued our journey back to Kota Kinabalu. At 3:30pm we reached at Miss XX’s house, after bath then take a rest. We went to Lintas at 7:30pm, we just walk around & bought my dinner. We had our dinner at around 8:30pm, after dinner I just packed up my bag prepared for back to Peninsular Malaysia by tomorrow. End my day 4 at 11pm.

手工藝品店 / Mini Handicraft Shop

龍古斯長屋 - "一個村莊﹐一種職業"
Rungus Longhouse - "One Village, One Industry"


小頑童@nottyboy said...


ED said...
