Friday, June 16, 2006

沙巴之旅 - 第五天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 5

基本上第五天沒地方好去﹐六點鐘起床後在XX小姐的家用早餐。七點鐘瑪小姐載我到朋友家然後直接上班﹐而我跟隨了朋友到沙巴大學 (University Malaysia Sabah)走走。沙巴大學真的很大﹐環境幽美﹐在這拍了些照。過後跟著朋友到市中心用午餐﹐午餐後到了沙巴分行的子公司會一會我的同事。大家只聊了一會﹐道別後回到朋友家休息一會。三點鍾我開始了西馬的回程﹐三點半到達了哥打京那巴魯亞航機場。檢查行李後﹐獨自一人等著飛機的到來﹐這時的心情真的是依依不捨。六點半飛機終於出現在我眼前﹐踏上了飛機後再次跟沙巴說聲再見。我跟沙巴真的有一段很濃厚的感覺﹐默默的愛上了這地方。沙巴﹐我們明年再見!

Woke up at 6am & had my breakfast at Miss XX’s house, basically the fifth day not much places can visit cause not much time for that day. 7am Miss XX fetched me to meet up with my friend & she proceeds to work, and I had followed my friend went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The environment at UMS is so nice & I had snapped few photos here, then we proceed for our lunch. After lunch, I met up with my Sabah branch’s colleagues. Just chitchat for a while & back to my friend’s house for a rest. At 3pm I started my journey back to Peninsular Malaysia, reached at AirAsia Kota Kinabalu Terminal at 3:30pm. After check in, just wait there alone & the feeling now is sad & doesn’t want to back home. Haha. Finally the flight reached at 6:30pm, after stepped into the flight just said again bye bye to Sabah. Feel that I had a “deep feeling” with Sabah & fall in love with this place. Sabah, see you again next year!

沙巴大學 / University Malaysia Sabah(UMS)

再見﹐沙巴! / Goodbye, Sabah!


SKII said...


ED said...



...怡... said...

...hey, the uni of sabah look so's too sute til i tot it was fake...juz like toy

...怡... said...


ED said...

haha... i like that photos very much.