Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Are you healthy enough? Are you ready for diet or become vegetarian?

Yesterday one of my colleague sent over a website link to me, the site provides an overview of arguments for switching from an animal-centered to a plant-based diet. The information’s that provided is helpful for everyone and it included for health care & why should people become vegetarian. So are you ready for diet or become vegetarian? Kindly browse to this site: - http://www.farmusa.org/issues.htm

Wishing everyone Happy Diet!!


小頑童@nottyboy said...

unfortunately there still a lot of people thinking that being a vegan is not healthy...

ED said...

ya... but i believe in the future there will be more people become vegan & there will be more vegetarian restaurant....errr... maybe will become vegetarian world.. haha

mimi c",) said...

i'm not vegetarian but i prefer vege to meat.

one week no meat for me is OK.
but one day no vege for me is KO! haha.. not ok

i like to eat fish, maybe that is why i failed to become vegetarian.