五十一週年國慶重溫【一】 / 51st National Day Review [1]
When I recalled my childhood, I was celebrated National Day beside the television every year by watched the contingent of paraders marched along the road. After graduated from secondary school, I asked myself what is the feeling if I were in the LIVE at Kuala Lumpur Merdeka Square, why I never try that before? After I stepped out to work, I told myself I must come to Merdeka Square to feel the LIVE feeling, but the sad thing is I got to worked overtime for National Day every year; basically I got no time to have the LIVE feeling.
It is a little bit different for this year after changing of division; I got no need to work overtime on National Day, the chance is here. I thought want to ask my friends to join but most of them not free, so I got to be alone move on to Merdeka Square.
Ha, finally I did felt what is called LIVE. The ceremony or activities started at 8am, after the arrival of Prime Minister and the government officials, it followed by sang the National Anthem and the flag-raising ceremony. Then the marched from contingent of paraders was started, car with flowers decorations and soldiers march was the most attracted for me. I was stand by with camera and a lot of photos was captured. I feel satisfy for part of the photos but some of the photos exposure too high, I got to edit it with software.
The whole ceremony completed by using around 4 hours, it is worth for me being in the Live at Merdeka Square for the 51st National Day. If the ceremony happens at Kuala Lumpur Merdeka Square for the next year, I believe I will join the crowd again next year.

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