選擇與答案 / Choices and Result
時間分秒過去,三點鐘好快的到來。正當我還在交通圈兜圈時,三點鐘的會議開始了。原來這一切的“選擇”是已經“安排”好的,中船長派發等級排列表給每位船員,所有的名字已排列好,我的名字正好排在新小船長下面。這意味著往交通圈進口二是早已安排的,只有接受。整個會議大約用上五分鐘,離開時肅靜。未來的工作沒想太多,但交通圈的進口三我還賞識勇往直闖直到找到為止。 *延續上篇《選擇》
RESULT was announced. Back to the news, there was a restructure for our ship passed Tuesday; it was separated into 2 parties. One mountain having two tigers means the ship having two small captains, one old one new. The new one previously is the old crew member and was promoted to become another new small captain, means that he needs another crew member to help him; other members from the ship were guessing I will be transfer under him.
Time passed very fast, time to reach 3pm. When I still turning around at the roundabout, 3pm meeting was started. I wondered all the “Choices” was actually “scheduled” earlier; the captain from middle range distributed the Hierarchy Chart Form to every crew member. The entire crew members name was scheduled earlier and my name was under the new small captain. Means that the Junction Signboard No.2 was scheduled earlier, I got to accept it. The entire meeting only take around 5 minutes, it so quiet when dismissed. Not going to think too much for my future works, but anyhow I still will try my best to turn in to the Junction Signboard No.3. *Continue from previous post "Choices"