步伐在轉著【二】 / The Pace Is Changing [2]
地球每天都在旋轉著,旋轉的速度和以前一樣沒變,但不知讀者有否感覺到我們地球人的步伐與節奏實在轉得太快了。呃。。。我往往會覺得我的步伐與節奏會比其他人慢半拍甚至一拍,可能遲鈍吧,哈哈。科技資訊,工商大樓,樣樣都在轉變著,轉變的速度更不用說,快得令人咋舌。我往往會在想,我的步伐那麼的慢,是否停留在小時候呢?可能只因過往日子的步伐比較慢,欣賞那節奏慢的日子,也可能我是個喜歡節奏慢點的人吧。我回望過去,某些日子我眞的過得很開心,只因那些日子、那個步伐、那個節奏是多麼的慢,多麼值得讓我欣賞讓我回味。呵 。。。
The earth is spinning every day; the spinning speed is remaining the same as previous. But do you realize the human pace is changing? The change has move on too fast. I feel my life’s style or my pace is slower than others; the technologies and the buildings is changing, seem like everything is changing. I’m thinking why my life’s style is slower than others, is it because I still stop at childhood? Maybe caused by my previous life’s style is slower, but I appreciated the slower life’s style. I like slower life’s style. I recalled my previous life’s style; some of it really can make me happier. I appreciate the happy moment, and the slower pace or life style. Ha…