神山【三】 / Mount Kinabalu[3]
從山腰到遆婆漢入口(Timpohon Gate)用了大約四小時,下山時和隊伍離隊,前方的三位大師兄像支箭地勇往直沖,拼命的追著但還是徒勞無功,搞到挾在中間獨行,足足比前方的大師兄們慢了一句鐘。真的覺得下山容易得多,但有上過神山的朋友都對我說下山比上山難。上過了神山,總算完成了心愿。這次的沙巴之旅,只因想與神山有約,成功地征服了它,只因有師兄師姐以及神山導游的幫助,再次在這為你們說聲謝謝。從沙巴回來已兩個月多了,還在寫著關於這次的長游,師兄們早在兩個月前停筆了,我想關於沙巴之旅的細節應該在此停筆吧,這一篇可說是完結篇。
Woke up at 1am, after the breakfast we ready to move on to the summit. Around 2pm the mountain guide reached at the rest hut, dream to the summit started. With the tire mood, I followed the team moved on slowly. The give up feeling came back after I feel hard to breath, without wasting the time I let others moved on first & followed at the back. I followed mountain guide all the way, sorry, should say I walked too slow & the mountain guide have no choice to followed me at the back all the way. Haha, his face looks like impatient caused need to follow someone who move on like turtle. Nothing can do, the only thing can blame on was did not exercise enough before hike the mountain. On the way to summit, I saw member from others team moved on like an arrow. I felt sad when I saw a Japanese women walked faster than me, so I promised to myself must reach to the peak.
The sky slowly turns to light, I look at the east & saw a little sunshine but I still have a long distance to reach to the peak, I am sure I cannot see the sunrise when I reach at the peak. Yes, I can’t see the sunrise. By review the time of the first photo that I snapped on the peak, it shows 6:30am. I was late for 1 hour, team members was resting there. For the whole journey, the only thing I feel regret was unable to see the sunrise. If next time comes back to Mount Kinabalu, I will request for move on 1 hour earlier when on the summit trail.
Standing on the peak of Mount Kinabalu, Southeast Asian Highest Mountain with the high of 4095.2 meter above sea level, I felt proud of myself and the feeling of give up has gone. Snap photos is a must as a memory, I will never forget the scenery on the peak. After a rest, time to back to Panar Laban hut. I saw the mountain guide, he told me every time I am the slower one, he hope that I am not the slower one when come down to the Panar Laban Hut & also when back to the Timpohon Gate. But he said he feel happy because at least I can reach to the peak. I feel the way came down is more easier, used lesser time to reached at Panar Laban. After a rest, we went to restaurant for our lunch.
It took about 4 hours for me walked from Panar Laban Hut to Timpohon Gate. 3 of the team member’s move on like an arrow, I tried to catch up but cannot & end up walked alone. They took about 3 hours to reached at Timpohon Gate; anyway I feel walk down is more easier than climb up. I feel happy because I did reached at the peak, my Mount Kinabalu dream has completed finally. The main purpose for this trip was have my date with Mount Kinabalu, anyway I have to thanks to my team members & the mountain guide for take care of me. Sabah Trip has passed for more than 2 months & I still writing about the trip, few members already stop posting about the trip 2 months ago. I think I should stop here writing about Sabah Trip, and this post considered as a final post for Sabah Trip. ~END~
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