Thursday, July 26, 2007

神山【二】 / Mount Kinabalu[2]




走了大約八個鐘頭後,終于看到山腰的餐廳。進入餐廳前,門前的溫度計顯示著攝氏九度~冷~。 進入餐廳第一樣要做的東西就是放下沉重的背包,來杯熱飲料,只能用一個字來形容-爽。休息足夠後,繼續往休息站走去,帕納拉班(Panar Laban)就是我們要到的目的地。到達那兒時,看見了三位大師兄,他們比我們快到達大約兩小時,佩服佩服!在休息站不敢沖涼,只因那種冷度是無法形容的。晚餐用了後,第一時間是烘干鞋子。八點多就上床找周公,但是怎樣也無法好好地入睡只因枕頭、棉被、床樣樣都是冷的,只能小睡罷了。~太冷了~

The weather here too cold make me cannot sleep very well, felt of tire & lack of energy when woke up in the morning. After breakfast, we report ourselves at registration counter and 8 of us started the challenge from Mesilau Gate entrance with the mountain guide. When I look into the jungle from outside of the Mesilau Gate it look like nothing, but when I moved on few steps I started to feel pressure. When I passed by the 1st board, on the board show 500 meter. My God, 500 meter only. From here I felt want to give up, I want to tell the group I want to give up to reach to the peak but I did not. I tried to move on by look around the scenery there, it come to another board showing 1 KM. 1 KM has passed but in my mind still felt want to give up.

4 of the members has moved on earlier, few members want to snap photos so at the end I walk alone. But later on I met with 1 of our group member from the front that left out by other 3. Along the way we snapped photos while chitchat, he felt that I want to give up and tried to encourage & advised me to move on. At the end, the give up feeling has gone.

The God has “cried” for me caused knew that I moved on with the tire body. Rain was in our expectation, so need not to blame or complains; the only thing was wear our raincoat. Few hours later, 3 of the group members catch up with us. So 5 of us moved on slowly to the rest hut, rain has wet up our shoes, everyone can feel the coldness & tire. Both of my leg’s muscle pain, thanks for my team members passed me 2 tablets of muscle painkiller for released my pain.

After walked for around 8 hours, finally reached at the restaurant near the rest hut. The thermometer in front the restaurant shows 9° Celsius, ~cold~. After entered to the restaurant, the first thing need to do is put down the rucksack & order a hot drink. After the rest, we head toward to our rest hut at Panar Lanar. When reached at the rest hut, we met 3 of the members who reached there around 2 hours earlier than us, salute to them. At Panar Laban I did not dare to bath, it’s too cold. After dinner, the first thing was dried up my shoes. I tried to sleep around 8pm but only managed to sleep for a while, the bed, the quilt and the pillow everything was cold. ~TOO COLD~

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