Monday, May 14, 2007

亞庇的第一天 / Day 1 at Kota Kinabalu

踏上飛機﹐飛機往東面飛﹐我閉上雙眼休息片刻。兩個多小時後我望向窗外﹐看見了陸地上的小城鎮﹐哪就是我所要到達的目的地-亞庇。下機後﹐頑童載我到公寓放下行李。梳洗後﹐下個時刻就是晚餐了。素食館裡的小菜都算不錯﹐但就是這胃病弄得我吃不下。過後去了夜市走走﹐在這裡可以學到殺價的技巧。下個時段去了丹絨亞汝海灘(Tanjung Aru Beach) ﹐ 在這裡吹吹風聽聽歌﹐看看時間已晚了﹐回家是最佳選擇。第一天晚上有點睡不著﹐四面八方傳來了好像啟動不到的老爺車聲”古古”地叫個不停。冷氣太冷了﹐我裝著睡著的樣子眼睛半開觀看四週﹐第一個看見起身的人就是頑童。他起身關風扇後﹐其他人也陸陸續續放輕腳步一個接一個的起來在黑暗中鬼鬼祟祟地尋找冷衣﹑長褲。我在旁邊感覺有點好笑﹐感覺大家好像在死撐包括我在內。在困雜的古古叫聲中﹐終於支撐不住睡著了。

I sat on the flight seat; the flight is fly forward to the east. I closed my eyes to rest for a while. More than 2 hours has passed, I looked at outside of the window & saw a small town. Here is the destination for my whole week holiday – Kota Kinabalu. After arrived at KK Terminal 2, Nottyboy fetched me to the apartment. It is time for dinner, the foods at the vegetarian restaurant is not bad but my gastric problem make me cannot eat. Next we went to night market, from here I learned the technique to low down the prices of things & foods / fruits. Then we went to Tanjung Aru Beach. At here we listened to the songs & get the wind blow from the seaside. The time is passing so fast, it is time for back home. The first night can’t really get into sleep; the sound of “starting an old car engine” (sound of “gu gu”) came from my surrounding. The air condition is worst (too cold), I opened my eyes with half-closed with a fake sleep look around the room. I saw Nottyboy woke up & off the fan, and then followed by the others who woke up one by one in the dark look for the jacket & long pants with the “stealthy action”. I felt funny, cause everyone acted like very strong including me. Haha. Finally, I fall in sleep in the surrounding of “gu gu” sound.


Frankie said...


ED said...
