絕招【二】- 越戰越勇 / Tricky Idea [2] - Getting Hunger
續上篇的絕招後,我的“好朋友”越戰越勇,開始轉移目標。這次的目標是我的雙親。媽已好幾天沒覺好睡了,昨天忍無可忍和我一樣出絕招。媽,眞對不起您了,這幾天累壞了您,不過您還挺聰明的。正如他人所說的"有其母必有其子",但我覺得應該是"有其子必有其母"。媽,您覺得我說得對嗎?哈哈。我想下來的這幾天那些“好朋友”應該餓得忍無可忍了,目標應該會轉去沒出絕招的那位吧。但也希望它們不請自走吧,拜托 !
After the Tricky Idea post, my "best friends" getting hunger. They changed their target to my parents. Mom did not sleep well these few days. Yesterday she can't patient anymore and followed my "tricky idea". Mom, so sorry because tiring you these few days, but you look so smart. This is what Chinese people always say: "Having such a parents must have a son or daughter same like them", but what I thought was the other way. Mom, do you think is true? Haha. I think the following few days my "best friends" will feel hunger, their target maybe will change to someone who did not follow the "tricky idea". But I hope they can move out from my home by themselves, please!

哥,你放心,这班好朋友不会来找我的, 它们只会找那些不爱干净的人罢了....(哟,蚊子罢了嘛,洗么怕啊!)
妳post comment都post錯啦,怎麼會用到我的名字去post呢?不知是否我忘記signout我的帳號吧。
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