Tuesday, April 10, 2007

哪兒才算禁煙區呢?[二] / Where considered as Non-Smoking area?[2]

續上篇寫了關於那裡才屬於禁煙區﹐哪又讓我想起一個地方- 昇降機。昇降機本來就是帶給人們方便的一個機器箱﹐但是竟然有人在裡頭吸煙。十多人擠在一個箱內氧氣已很有限﹐再加上這些臭氣迎面而來﹐真難受。

政府和執法當局是否有想過如果看見有人在昇降機裡吸煙﹐哪會否給罰單或捉拿違規者? 我相信昇降機應該是不准吸煙的吧。如果是你遇見此情況﹐你會怎樣? 會否破口大罵? 不訪給給意見。

Previous post has discussed on where should consider as Non-smoking areas, it remind me another place- Lift. Lift is a device that brings convenient to peoples, but how come someone takes their own sweet time smoking inside? It has limited air when more than 10 peoples “squeezed” in the lift and added the smoke from the smoker, can you imagine? It makes the environment uncomfortable.

Did the government and the enforcement unit think of giving fine to them when they smoking inside the lift? I believe lift considered as non-smoking area right? In case you encounter the same situation, what will you do? Scold the smoker? Please give some ideas or comments.


Frankie said...


ED said...
