當我們同在一起... / When We All Together...
十一月四日跟著一班朋友上了武吉丁宜(Bukit Tinggi) 一天遊。這裡和我前幾年來時一模一樣﹐沒很大的更改。首先我們去了日本茶葉屋和植物園﹐然後再到法國村看看法國式的屋子。到這裡來的目的還是要拍拍照﹐被那兒的花花草草與風景吸引著。但是拍出來的效果有點不滿﹐真的要多多努力學學拍照的技術了。下次還是要多多請教Nottyboy和Fox大哥了。
4th of November went to Bukit Tinggi with the gang for one day trip. Been there for few years ago, and there has not much change. At first we went to the Japanese Tea House & the Botanical Garden, then proceed to France Village for have a look on France Houses. The main point for me to here was snap photos, and I was attracted by the flowers and the scenery there. But the result of the photos was unsatisfied, I think I should put more efforts on the snapping skills & should learn the skills from my seniors Nottyboy & Fox brother.
In fact, I think Bukit Tinggi less of tourists & the main fact was the organizers & the government did not promote the place. Year 2007 was set as Malaysia Tourism Year by the government, and by the time I hope government can promote Bukit Tinggi to other states & countries so that others people will know Malaysia have a such wonderful place.

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