Friday, September 08, 2006

如此差的服務! / Such a BAD SERVICES!

真的有點氣! 前幾天去了”XX銀行”提款時﹐櫃檯人員竟叫我到提款機提款因為我所提的數目少過馬幣四千五百令吉﹐不然的話要在戶口扣兩令吉。混蛋﹐這是什麼服務! 他還提醒我在一個月裡如果在提款機提款超過四次的話﹐第五次開始每次提款會扣五十仙。天呀﹐我真的不敢相信馬來西亞有如此差的銀行。上次的信用卡服務已經讓我很不滿了﹐現在還來多一單﹐問了其它銀行也沒這樣扣法。說真的﹐知道了這樣的服務後我只可用一個字來形容他們。。。懶! 勸請大家如果要開銀行戶口的話﹐請做出明確的選擇。我是因為這間銀行是公司的指定銀行而被避開戶口﹐不然的話它也不會在我名單中, 也希望國家銀行關注此事。

Few days ago went to “XXX Bank” for withdraw money, the counter personnel asked me withdraw the money from ATM machine cause the amount that I want to withdraw is less than RM4500 else they will deduct RM2 from my account. Shit! What service are they giving? He reminded me too if I withdraw money from ATM machine more than four times in 1 month, the fifth time onwards if I withdraw they will deduct 50 cent from my account too. My God, I cannot believe Malaysia got such a bad services bank. I already unsatisfied with the credit card service previously, now come another case. Has been asked for others bank about their service, but no such deductions apply at their bank. There is only one word can describing this bank…LAZY! Reminder for all of you, if want to apply account at bank please think twice & choose the right bank. I applied bank account at this bank is because company need, else this bank will not in my list. Hope the Central Bank take note about this & look into it.

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