Thursday, November 08, 2007

我了解。。。 / I understand...

那天到某廣場辦妥公積金受益人文件時,看見工作人員後第一個感覺帶給我的是她是華人。第一句開口用華語問她時,她竟然用英語回我說聽不懂中文。哈哈哈哈。。。 這種感覺我明白,因為我時常都會被華人用馬來語問我東西只因我長得一副有點像馬來人的臉,但當我用中文回應他們時,他們都會有不好意思的樣子而我會在暗笑。咯咯!


Last week went to supermarket for settled something on the nominees for EPF, when I saw the staff there the first impression was that she is Chinese. When I question her by using Chinese language, but she replied me said that she doesn’t understand Chinese by using English. Muahaha…I understand her feeling because I always questioned by Chinese by using Malay language because I look a little bit like Malay. But when I replied them using Chinese language, they felt embarrassed and I will snigger on that. Ngek Ngek!

Back to the topic, when I know she is Malay I felt embarrassed too & was snigger and apologized to her. She replied me with the funny face. I was laughing when I fill the form in front of her, because I heard most of the Chinese questioned her by using Malay language. All of them felt embarrassed and apologized to her. Miss, please not to blamed us because you really look like Chinese. But I will not blame you too because I understand you feeling. :)


小頑童@nottyboy said...

mabe she is kadazan hehehe

ED said...

haha, i think no lar.... if she is Kadazan, then i'm Iban lor... hahaha..

vanille said...


ED said...

Vanille: 哈哈,不會啦,那太夸張了吧。 一個人扮演多個種族身份有時會覺得蠻好笑,看見他們尷尬的樣子真的忍不住想偷笑。Ngek Ngek!!