Thursday, June 14, 2007

兩個小島 / Two Islands

這次的沙巴之旅,頑童帶我們到了兩個小島 – 馬奴莰島(Manukan Island)和沙皮島(Sapi Island)。兩個島的海水清澈見底,這是我生平第一次可以近距離靠近那麼多的魚兒。但海水咸到苦,所以也沒呆在水裡太久。在大熱天中一天游兩個島要付出代價的噢,因為回家兩個星期後臉和手還在脫皮。不過站在這裡,看著大自然的海水與小島,腦海裡的雜念可以暫時放下。。。放下。。。再放下。

Sabah Trip was over last month, for this trip we did follow Nottyboy visited to two islands – Manukan Island & Sapi Island. The seawater from both of the islands was so clear, this is my first time can see so many fishes with the near distance. But the seawater was so salty, that’s why cannot stayed longer. Visited to two islands in one day with the hot weather almost burned up my skin, but standing at here looking at the nature sea & islands can temporarily relax my mind…relax…and relax.


Frankie said...


ED said...
