Thursday, April 05, 2007

哪兒才算禁煙區呢? / Where considered as Non-Smoking area?

禁煙區吸煙﹐罰款! 政府這項決定很讚﹐但想請問甚麼地方才是屬於禁煙區呢? 政府是否有列明嗎? 餐館是否屬於禁煙區嗎? 如果是的話﹐為何還有那麼多的煙民還可以在餐館吸煙? 政府是否該採取行動發出罰單給違規者? 業者也是否該在餐館裡掛上” 禁止吸煙” 的牌嗎? 還有一個地方我最不爽的就是公園﹐在公園跑步時無端端地吸入了前方飄來的二手煙。拜託﹐原本新鮮的空氣頓時成了臭氣﹐你說還有心情繼續跑下去嗎? 不好跟我說公園不是禁煙區。

這種種問題政府是否應該在報章列出所有的禁煙區呢? 是否需要派更多的執法人員到以上地區捉拿違規者呢? 真希望政府可列出清單﹐好讓人民知道那兒是禁煙區啊!

主意: 我沒有想反政府﹐只希望政府能做得更好!

Non-smoking areas smoking, FINE! Government has made a smart decision, but may I know what areas are considered as a non-smoking area? Did the government list out the non-smoking areas? Are restaurants considered as? If yes, why still got so many smokers smoking at restaurant? Should the government fine them? Or should the restaurant owner put up the “No Smoking” signboard? Another place that I most dislike is park. When jogging at park, sure can smell the cigarette smoke. From fresh air became smelly smoke, do you think you still got mood to jog? Do not tell me park not considered as a non-smoking area.

Base on all these questions, do you think government should list out the non-smoking area on the newspaper? Should the government assign more enforcement unit to the above area to fine the violators? Hope the government can list the non-smoking areas on the newspaper so that we as a Malaysians will know where considered as non-smoking area.

Note: I did not Anti Government, just hope that Government can make better!


Frankie said...



苏完尼瓜尔佳•明轩 said...

华语已经好得不得了,连英文得翻译也是用perfect english 的!

ED said...

如果真的曾經在報章上列出的話﹐為何還有那麼多的違規者呢? 哪是否可以說是執法當局沒做功課嗎?他們該三思啦。嗨。。。

我真的不敢當啦。我的華語和英文還蠻爛的﹐就是因為語言能力不好所以才學習寫雙語。其實我還是初學者﹐還有其他比我更好的啦﹐真的不敢當﹐哈哈。還要謝謝你的光臨﹐多多來坐吧! :)