第一段寫著:” 我現在在醫院…” 。看到這段﹐心跳一百﹐頓時影響吃飯的心情。無端媏為何會進院? 亂了亂了。。。也不想看接下來的幾段。接著很想播打她手機號碼﹐但頓時在腦海裡有一種感覺提醒我今天是愚人節。嗨。。。接著我看完簡訊﹐果然不出我所料。為何﹐為何有愚人節這節日? 拜託﹐如果真的要開玩笑的話﹐請別用有關生命的東西來作弄人。我沒怪她﹐只怪第一個傳出此簡訊的人。我也沒傳出此簡訊﹐反而即刻刪除。
1ST of April, April Fool’s Day. A day that very busy, a day that required me come back to office to work. I sat in front of the desk having my lunch, a ring sound from mobile phone awake me. I saw the name from the phone, is an sms from a colleague from company’s branch. Received her sms not surprising me cause I use to receive her sms.
The first sentence of the sms sound like this: “I’m in the hospital now…”. This sentence makes my heartbeats faster, totally no mood to have my lunch. Why she suddenly admitted to hospital? No mood to read the remaining of the sms too. I want to call her mobile phone but suddenly my mind told me today is April Fool. Haiii… then I read the remaining of the sms, bingo for what I thought. I’m thinking why having such a celebration? Come on, if really want to fool people please don’t fool something related to our life. I did not blame her, but blame on the first person that sent out this sms. I never send this short message to others & deleted it on the sport.
So boring…