Monday, February 19, 2007

除夕﹐忙! / Chinese New Year Eve, busy!

除夕﹐是最忙的一天。早上陪著父母到市場買菜﹐回到家收拾”殘局”(我的房間) 。過後再陪父母到超級市場進行”掃蕩行動”, 回家後繼續收拾”殘局” 。那天真的很累﹐只因早上已開始感到不舒服﹐加上忙這忙那﹐晚上到八點多” 殘局” 才被我收拾完畢。最終九點多雙眼還是支撐不住﹐不聽使喚的睡著了。十一點多起來後﹐觀賞電視新年特備節目﹐然後準備幫母親拜神。拜拜後﹐繼續觀賞電視新年特備節目。就這樣﹐從年三十晚跨越到年初一﹐結束了舊的一年﹐開始了新的一年。

Chinese New Year Eve, a day that is the most busy for me. Morning went to market with parents bought some foods, and then back to home cleaned up my messy room. After that went to supermarket with parents again to bought some goods, and then back to home to continued my “mission”. New Year Eve really feel tired, is cause by morning feel little bit of sick & some more busy cleaned up my messy room until 8pm. 9pm both of my eyes half-closed, end up sleeping is my best choice. Woke up at 11pm, watch some New Year Special TV programmes. After 12am, we have the praying ceremony. We prayed together with mom & dad. After the ceremony, we continued watch the TV programmes. Time passed so fast, from the New Year eve passed to the day 1 of Chinese New Year. End with the “old” year, and began with the brand New Year.

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