Thursday, February 22, 2007

年初二﹐聚一聚 [二] / CNY Day 2, Gathering [2]

年初二﹐上了姑姑家拜年。四五個家庭聚在一起﹐熱鬧得很。大人小孩有說有笑﹐小的已長大了﹐大的也長大了(老了) 。時間過得真快﹐一年的時間又過去了﹐看看長輩們的臉上都長多了幾條皺紋﹐有點為他們擔心。尤其是父母﹐年齡接近六十了﹐臉上的皺紋越來越多﹐感覺上還是要多多的照顧他們。在外地工作的游子們呀﹐有時間的話要多多回家和父母聚一聚﹐正所謂王维詩中的”每逢佳節倍思亲 ” 說得一點也不錯。游子們﹐相信您還趕得上這班列車﹐行動要快!


Day 2 of Chinese New Year had a visit to my aunty's house. Four to five families gathered around, is really excited. All of us chit chat around, looking at the kids from previously a small size growing to big size. While for elders, from old continue growing older. Time passed extremely fast, one year has passed. Looking at the elder’s face found a lot of wrinkles; feel worry with them especially Mom and Dad cause their age nearly 60. Their face gets more & more wrinkles; feel has the responsibility to take care of them. For those who working at out station, try to take more time to gather with your family especially your Mom and Dad because they need your care. As what Chinese poetry said, “
Mei Feng Jia Jie Bei Si Qing” mean at every festival will remember family members. So for those who working at outstation, I believe you still able to “catch up this train” gather with your family. Act now!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

年初一﹐聚一聚 / CNY Day 1, Gathering


Day one of Chinese New Year received SMS from friend said that want to visit my house, for me sure will welcome them cause living here almost one and half year and non of my friend visited to my house before. So just take it as a gathering. After the visit, we visited others friend’s house. Has been long time did not visit friend’s house one by one, just take it as a gathering with friends. Gathering is just a way of making your friendship better and wider. Come, let’s gather together with our friends for having a better friendship!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"重要的任務" / “Important Mission”

年三十晚的中午﹐除了忙家事外﹐還有一件很"重要的任務"。一群不幸且無辜的孤兒在盼望著眾人的到來﹐他們沒親人與他們一起過新年。我和小妹趁著佳節的到來﹐集約的來到座落在八打靈的孤兒院 (Precious Children Home) 為他們送上衣服。送上衣服之余﹐還派送紅包和捐款給孤兒們。原來第一次派紅包的感覺是這樣的﹐哈哈。望著他們可憐的樣子﹐我在想我是比他們幸福一百倍。看看他們的樣子似乎比我還要堅強﹐還要獨立。老的一句﹐還是希望他們能夠活得和諧﹑幸福與快樂。在新的一年﹐祝他們新年快樂﹐身體健康﹐萬事如意!

Chinese New Year Eve except busy with my messy room, there is another “important mission” in scheduled. A group of orphans is waiting for the visit from visitors; they do not have relatives celebrating Chinese New Year with them. Sister and me did a visited to the Orphan home (Precious Children Home) located at Petaling Jaya. We did donate some clothes to them, and also gave them red packets & funds. This is the first time I gave out the red packets, can feel the Chinese New Year mood… haha. Looking at their poor face, I feel that I’m 100 times luckiest than them. Through their face, I feel they are stronger and independent than me. Anyway, the most important thing is hope they can live in happy & harmony. In this brand new year, wishing all the orphans having a Happy & Healthy Chinese New Year!

Monday, February 19, 2007

除夕﹐忙! / Chinese New Year Eve, busy!

除夕﹐是最忙的一天。早上陪著父母到市場買菜﹐回到家收拾”殘局”(我的房間) 。過後再陪父母到超級市場進行”掃蕩行動”, 回家後繼續收拾”殘局” 。那天真的很累﹐只因早上已開始感到不舒服﹐加上忙這忙那﹐晚上到八點多” 殘局” 才被我收拾完畢。最終九點多雙眼還是支撐不住﹐不聽使喚的睡著了。十一點多起來後﹐觀賞電視新年特備節目﹐然後準備幫母親拜神。拜拜後﹐繼續觀賞電視新年特備節目。就這樣﹐從年三十晚跨越到年初一﹐結束了舊的一年﹐開始了新的一年。

Chinese New Year Eve, a day that is the most busy for me. Morning went to market with parents bought some foods, and then back to home cleaned up my messy room. After that went to supermarket with parents again to bought some goods, and then back to home to continued my “mission”. New Year Eve really feel tired, is cause by morning feel little bit of sick & some more busy cleaned up my messy room until 8pm. 9pm both of my eyes half-closed, end up sleeping is my best choice. Woke up at 11pm, watch some New Year Special TV programmes. After 12am, we have the praying ceremony. We prayed together with mom & dad. After the ceremony, we continued watch the TV programmes. Time passed so fast, from the New Year eve passed to the day 1 of Chinese New Year. End with the “old” year, and began with the brand New Year.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

新春快樂 / Happy Chinese New Year

今天大年初一﹐向大家拜個年吧。 "豬"大家身體健康﹐萬事如意﹐新年快樂。。。還有還有就是今年是金豬年嘛﹐ "豬"大家豬籠入水。。。哈哈!

Today is first day of Chinese New Year, wishing everyone having a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous Chinese New Year. This year in Lunar Calendar is "Pig" Year, the most important thing is hope everyone "Zhu(Pig) Long Ru Shui" (mean earning huge revenue)...haha!

Monday, February 12, 2007

請三思! / Please think before you act!

有個地方﹐在公司最不想去的﹐那就是廁所。每次進廁所時﹐總會嗅到很濃的尿味。最沒頂的就是職員用廁所當成吸煙房﹐進到廁所肯定會吸到煙﹐讓我成了二手煙民﹐他們還有公德心嗎? 有時不止在公司的廁所發生這種事﹐在其他廣場的廁所也會吸到二手煙﹐煙民啊請問問自己是否對得起自己的良心嗎? 對得起其他受害者嗎? 請你們三思吧!

One of the places at office that I most don’t like to go is the toilet, every time when I entering to the toilet sure will smell the strong urine smell. The worst thing that I can’t stand any more is the staffs use the toilet as a smoking area and I become the second hand smoker. Do they still consider what are they doing? Sometime the situation is not only happening at company’s toilet, it happening at shopping mall’s toilet too. Please ask yourself whether you still got the heart or not? Do this people make consideration for the second hand smoker? Please think before you act!