年初二﹐聚一聚 [二] / CNY Day 2, Gathering [2]
年初二﹐上了姑姑家拜年。四五個家庭聚在一起﹐熱鬧得很。大人小孩有說有笑﹐小的已長大了﹐大的也長大了(老了) 。時間過得真快﹐一年的時間又過去了﹐看看長輩們的臉上都長多了幾條皺紋﹐有點為他們擔心。尤其是父母﹐年齡接近六十了﹐臉上的皺紋越來越多﹐感覺上還是要多多的照顧他們。在外地工作的游子們呀﹐有時間的話要多多回家和父母聚一聚﹐正所謂王维詩中的”每逢佳節倍思亲 ” 說得一點也不錯。游子們﹐相信您還趕得上這班列車﹐行動要快!
Day 2 of Chinese New Year had a visit to my aunty's house. Four to five families gathered around, is really excited. All of us chit chat around, looking at the kids from previously a small size growing to big size. While for elders, from old continue growing older. Time passed extremely fast, one year has passed. Looking at the elder’s face found a lot of wrinkles; feel worry with them especially Mom and Dad cause their age nearly 60. Their face gets more & more wrinkles; feel has the responsibility to take care of them. For those who working at out station, try to take more time to gather with your family especially your Mom and Dad because they need your care. As what Chinese poetry said, “Mei Feng Jia Jie Bei Si Qing” mean at every festival will remember family members. So for those who working at outstation, I believe you still able to “catch up this train” gather with your family. Act now!