Friday, February 17, 2006

一九八一年二月十七日。。。/ 17th February 1981...

一九八一年二月十七日﹐馬來西亞的某個醫院的某個角落聽見了”哇” 的一聲﹐一個頑皮又懶惰的小精靈終于出生了﹐哈哈﹐那就是我! 今天是我進入人生的第二十五個年頭﹐在這沒甚麼要求﹐只許一個小小的願。希望家人和我以及朋友們都身體健康﹐天下太平﹐沒有戰爭﹐沒有天災人禍。




17th February 1981, the baby crying sound can hear from somewhere in one of the hospital at Malaysia. One of the naughty & lazy boy had born finally. Haha, is me! Today I have step into the 25th years of my life, just want to make a small wishes. Hope my family members, friends & me all in good health. No more wars & no more nature and man-made disaster.

Knew it from my mom, I am the most notty in my family since I was child. I broke most of the things & mom punished me most of the time. After stepped into Secondary School, I have changed a lot. Less notty but still lazy.

I did not told my friends about my birthday cause I don’t really like to celebrate. But still receiving birthday messages from MSN messager & sms. Just wat to say thank you to all of yours. Every year I would not celebrate my birthday because get some knowledge from one of the book. In the book, it mentioning that our birthday is the Suffers Distress Day for our mom. Because the day when we born, mom are in the middle line of life & death. No one will know what is the next step our mom will face. So is encourage that do not celebrate your birthday.

Every year of my birthday, I am sure will suffering from sick including this year. This year I am sick since Valentine. Even I eat less & rest more, sick still will “follow” me. Maybe this is way I need to go through every year of my birthday!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

病了﹐回到過去。。。/ Sick, back to the past...


喝了水後﹐繼續睡。就在這時﹐眼前出現了以前所居住過的木屋。在這裡﹐我看見了中年時的父母。我好怕﹐心想我是不是回到過去。在隔壁站著的是我妹妹﹐她的樣貌與現在二十多歲的樣貌是一樣的。我對著小妹說我們是不是回到過去﹐不如買份報紙看看那天的日期。買了報紙後﹐報紙上寫著的年份是一九九三年。天啊﹐我真的不敢相信眼前這一目。一九九三年是我讀小六的那年﹐如果從那年算起﹐我還有三個大小考試要過(小六的UPSR, 中三與中五的PMR和SPM) 。我跟小妹說我怎都要回到二零零六年。在我想著想著時﹐意志力告訴我﹐我只是在夢中的一九九三。只要我大力振作﹐就能回到現在的二零零六年。就在我大力振作後﹐我看見了我的衣櫥﹐電腦﹐我正在睡的床等等。終于”回到” 了二零零六年。當我在望望睡在客廳的小妹時﹐她也在那一刻驚醒過來。這是不是與這夢有關呢? 真是不可詩意。


February 14, this Valentine Day I passed it lonely (should be say every year, haha). Back to home around 6.45pm, after bath & have my dinner feel very tire. Slept at around 8pm almost like a pig. Woke up around 12 midnight, my body was hot & backbone was pain. I knew what happened to me, I was sick.

After have a cup of water, continue to sleep. By this time, I saw my old wood house appear inform of me. I saw my parents in middle age in the house. I am scared, asked myself am I back to the past? My youngest sis was stand beside me. Her face was same like now. I asked my sis, are we back to the past? Should we bought a newspaper & have a look for the date. After bought the newspaper, the date show in the newspaper was Year 1993. My God, I can’t believe. Year 1993 was the year I study for Standard 6. If I count from that year, I still need to sit for 3 main exams (Standard 6 for UPSR, Secondary School for PMR & SPM). I told my sis no matter how hard to get back; I must back to Year 2006. Suddenly my six senses told me, I am just in a dream at the Year 1993. I just need to control myself then I will be back to Year 2006 soon. I followed my instinct, after few seconds I saw my cupboard, computer, the bed that I was sleep on & so on. Finally I “back” to Year 2006. When I look at sis that slept at living room, she woke up too. Is that related to this dream? Can’t believe.
The next day morning (Febuary 15th), I get my 1-day medical leave & doctor said I having fever. I was slept from morning till night but not feel better. Today morning, I get 1 more day for medical leave. Slept from morning till night too. Just woke up & feel better but very tire. Hope tomorrow wouldn’t fall in sleep at office.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

眼看手不動 / Nice To See, Nice To Hold. Once Broken, Consider Sold.

初七人日﹐為了要買素魚生在晚上撈生﹐特地在下午與小妹來到了One Utama。在 One Utama 買了魚生後﹐有多余時間便到了 Mutiara Damansara 的 Tesco 去。


正當我走到裡面時﹐被擺在架子的熔岩燈所吸引注。結果手癢的我﹐拿起了熔岩燈後﹐不到一秒鐘上段的玻璃瓶就這樣落地開花了。天啊! 簡直不敢相信眼前這一幕。膽小如鼠的我﹐心跳加速﹐身體冒冷汗﹐雙腳無力在抖。在我隔壁的銷售員哼了一聲立刻給了眼色我看﹐假裝鎮定的我只好不出聲的在等。持著”一人做事一人當”的我﹐也沒有要逃跑的念頭。因為做錯事一定要認﹐那才過得自己那關。在等了大約五分鐘左右﹐當他清理乾淨後﹐問了他要如何解決。他說一就是給半價拿壞的走﹐二就是買新的。我二話不說買了新的就踏出店門﹐因為壞的那個買回家後根本就沒用處。


Seventh day of CNY in Chinese called “Ren Le”(is everyone birthday), my sister & me went to One Utama to buy “Yee Sang”(a CNY dishes) for prepared to celebrate at dinner. After bought the “Yee Sang”, we went to Tesco at Mutiara Damansara.

When we passed by at the ground floor, I attracted by a shop that selling a lot of high-quality goods. I want have a look at the goods, but sis said don’t want. But finally I manage to asked her go in. After around 2 minutes, sis said time is rushing but I said let me have a look for the last thing first then only we move on. So she said no problem.

So I went to the end of the shop & attracted by the lava lamp on the rack. Not even 1 second after I hold, the top part of the lamp drop off & broken into pieces. My God! Can’t believe on what happen in a second. I’m so scared, my heart bumped faster than cheetah. Sweated a lot, both of my legs shake & can’t stand. The promoter shows me an angry face, I just keep quiet. I admitted it is my fault & not even want to run away. One sentence came out in my mind, “If it is your fault, please admit it”. After 5 minutes of wait for the clean up, I asked for how to settle. He said either pay half price for the broken one & takes back, or buys a new one. I bought a new one & walk off. There is no use if I buy the broken one.

Haiii…this year “Ren Le” is not a happy day for me, if I listen to what my sister said & went off ealier then this case will not happen. Maybe this is a “fixed”.
眼看手不動 / Nice To See, Nice To Hold. Once Broken, Consider Sold.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

我的新年 / My Chinese New Year....

年初二原本打算回到公司繼續昨天的工作﹐但真的沒有心情要上班。因為過年嘛﹐一年才一次﹐再加上父母的游說下﹐所以決定不上班。其實也有其他原因啦﹐就是為了要拿紅包。哈哈! 所以那天跟著家人去了親戚家拜年。


拜年後﹐帶了家人到 The Curve的 Vegegreen用餐。這是我第四次來到這兒用餐﹐這裡的食物還蠻貴的。但付錢時小妹硬要付﹐我擋也擋不住啦。小妹﹐沒關係﹐下一餐讓我付。哈哈!



Second day of CNY had planned to back to office to continue my work, but really no mood want to work cause New Year one year celebrate 1 time only & parents keep on asked to join them. So decided not back to office. Actually there is another reason, cause I want to get Ang Pow. Haha! So I had follow family visited my uncle & aunty house.

First went to aunty house (dad’s sister), then follow by another aunty & uncle (mom’s sisters & brothers). Get little Ang Pow, around 10 only. Haiii… all married, but just gave little only. Gave a lot of reasons, the economy is not good & down, not enough money to buy milk powder, forgot to bring Ang Pow….. so many reasons. Remember these; use these for your future. Haha!

After the visited, we went to Vegegreen at The Curve for dinner. This is my fourth time being here. The foods here expensive. When pay bill, my sis said want to treat. So no choice, can’t do anything. Sis, never mind…next time I will pay for it. Haha!

After back to home, bath & watched for New Year TV programs until midnight 2a.m then only slept.

Third day & fourth day of CNY didn’t go anywhere, just back to office to continued my works. The fifth day is the official working day for me, but office few workers working only. Even the branches also the same, most of them will be back on Monday. Is really boring.

第一封父母給的紅包 / First Ang Pow given by Mom & Dad..