Thursday, July 20, 2006

糊塗 [三] 。。。 / Blur Case [3] ...


Just back home & keep everything into my room. My God! Just notice & can’t find my wallet in my pocket. Where I dropped it? Ohh… just recall back, I left it at office’s drawer. No wonder feel that there is something haven’t take yet… My God, blur case happened continuously for the third time. Tomorrow morning have to pray more, hope that no police traffic road block for tomorrow cause my identity card & driving license is inside the wallet. God Bless Me!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

糊塗 [二] 。。。 / Blur Case [2] ...


Ed: ” 哈囉﹐請問你換了紙張的紙嗎?”
Y小姐: ” 甚麼?”
Ed: ” 噢﹐對不起。我的意思是請問你換了打印機的紙嗎?”
Y小姐: ” 哈哈哈哈。。。”


After done the job that requested by company branch clerk on last Friday, I ready to send over the printing to their printer. Use Skype called up to her: -

Ed: ”Hello, have you changed the paper on the paper?”
Miss Y: ”What?”
Ed: “Ohh, sorry. I mean have you changed the paper on the printer?”
Miss Y: “Hahahaha…”

Haiiizzz… So blur, blur case happened again.

Friday, July 14, 2006

糊塗。。。 / Blur Case...

望著電腦熒幕﹐沉重的眼皮快支撐不著了。腦袋裡只想到要用公司的系統傳短訊給子公司的同事﹐因為她們要求的東西已做好了。進了系統﹐看見了同事的名字﹐按了鍵盤”4”按鈕 ﹐刪除名字。天呀﹐我怎麼會刪除她的名字呢? 怎麼搞的﹐她還用著系統叻。她肯定會莫名其妙用到一半被系統踢出去﹐N姐姐﹐真對不起啊。刪除了她的名字三十秒後才驚覺我剛才的舉動﹐我竟糊塗到這個樣子。明明要傳短訊但竟然刪除了她的名字。嗨。。。。Ed, 醒醒吧! 不過還好﹐三分鐘後看見她的名字重回系統﹐幸虧沒來電問我﹐謝天謝地。我知道我現在已經很累了。。。

Looking at the monitor screen with my half-close eyes, I can’t stand anymore. The only thing in my mind is send message to one of the branch clerk cause the jobs that requested by her already done. Logged in into company system & look for her name, found her name & press the keyboard button “4” for delete name. Deletion completed! My God, what I doing? Why I deleted her name in the system? What happened? She is still using the system, I’m sure she will shock when suddenly kick-off by the system. Miss N, sorry about that. I realised this just after 30 seconds from the termination, I’m so blur. I should send message but end up to deleted user name, haiiii… Ed, wake up please! But I ‘m lucky, just saw her name return to system after 3 minutes. Thanks God, luckily she didn’t call up. By now, I knew I’m very tire…

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

成也基丹﹐敗也基丹! / Zidane Won, Zidane lost!

“成也基丹﹐敗也基丹!”。在某某報章看見這字眼﹐真的佩服基丹。佩服他甚麼呢? 敗的是他與他的法國球員敗給意大利以及做出那鐵頭功事件﹐成的是基丹沒吃雞蛋﹐鐵頭功事件後他竟然還能拿到金球獎。佩服佩服! 所謂” 流得青山在﹐哪怕沒材燒” ﹐拿了紅卡﹐還是一條金球獎的好漢。基丹﹐加油! 我要拜你為師了。。。

“Zidane won, Zidane lost!”. Saw this article at one of the Chinese newspaper, salute to Zidane. What I salute with? What he lost? The lost was Zidane & his team players beat by Italy’s team & also the head butts action. Why he won? Zidane was voted as the World Cup’s best player, clinching the prestigious Golden Ball Award even happened the head butts action. Salute & salute again! Get the red card still the best player, Zidane all the best to you. You can become my teacher already…

Monday, July 10, 2006

意大利 - 大贏家! / Italy - The Soul Winner!

二零零六年的世界杯足球賽終於落幕了﹐一向不喜歡看球賽的我﹐從第一場到半決賽都沒有完整的看完一場。但偏偏在決賽圈那天能從凌晨兩點鐘看到五點鐘﹐我真的發瘋了。那場球賽真的很精彩﹐節奏感很快也很亂。但還有人比我還要瘋﹐瘋到用他那” 鐵頭功” 頂在意大利球員馬特拉濟的胸口。基丹﹐我真的佩服了你! 上與下半場獨自一人在看真的悶到抽筋﹐沒有人一起喊。但在踢點球時場面不同了﹐三條”懶蟲”( 父親﹑姐姐與妹妹) 竟起身陪我一起看﹐這就是世界杯的威力。意大利每十二年贏一次的玄機真的成真了﹐意大利你做到了。佩服! 下一局的二零一零年世界杯足球賽在南非再見吧!

World Cup 2006 has ended; I didn’t even watch any full match since the first match till the semi-final match. But I did watch the final match from 2a.m. until 5a.m; I think I’m crazy. The match was perfect; the players’ movement was super fast. I think someone was crazy than me, crazy until used his “Head Kung Fu” to hit the Italy player Materazzi. Zidane, really salute to you. The first & second-half of the match was too bored cause watch alone, but situation has changed when came to the final penalty kick. 3 of the “sleepy bugs”(Dad & both of my sisters) woke up & join me watch the match, this is the power of World Cup. The promised for become the winner of the World Cup for every twelve years has come true for Italy, Italy you did it! Salute! Just stay & wait for the coming of 2010 World Cup at South Africa, all the best to Italy.