沙巴之旅 - 第一天 / Journey to Sabah - Day 1
這趟旅游我獨自上路﹐從星期五(五月十二日)中午一點四十分出發﹐兩點三十分在從吉隆坡中環(KL Sentral) 坐一個小時的巴士來到了亞航機場(LCC-Terminal)。報到和檢查行李後﹐在那傻傻地等了大約兩小時。飛機終于在五點四十五分起飛了。這次搭飛機的感覺比上次來得好﹐但是在跑道沖上天空的感覺真的很怕﹐每一次都是那麼怕﹐我也不知道在怕甚麼。這天的天氣超好﹐我真的很有眼福因為這是我生平第一次從機上看到了日落。你們也有眼福因為我拍下了這一幕。哈哈。
八點鐘到達了哥打京那巴魯亞航機場﹐踏出了機場就看見了我的同事(稱她為XX小姐)。她帶我去吃晚餐﹐晚餐後因為太夜了所以直接回XX小姐的"獨立洋房"。她的家坐落在乒南邦(Penampang)的董加航鄉村(Kampung Dungkahang)。洗澡後直接回房休息﹐感覺上東馬的人比西馬的人早睡。這就是我第一天的行程。
Year 2006 is passing so fast, now already May & I had work for 4 months that never take any leave. So April planned to take leaves on May for a five days four nights holiday trip to Sabah.
I was alone for the trip. The trip started on Friday 12th May at 1:40pm from home, 2:30pm took one-hour journey by SkyBus from KL Sentral to AirAsia LCC-T (Low Cost Carrier Terminal). After check in, waited there for almost 2 hours like an idiot. Finally the plane departed at 5:45pm. The feeling on the flight is much better than last time, but when the time the plane speed up to the sky I was scared. I wasn’t known why every time I so scared at the speed up. The weather on the day was super perfect; I am super lucky because this is my 1st time managed to see the sunset on the plane in my life. I snapped the photo for the sunset too. Hehe.
8pm reach at AirAsia Kota Kinabalu Terminal. After stepped out to the terminal, met up with my colleague Miss XX. She accompanied me for my dinner, and the time was late so we straightaway back to her “Stand Alone Bungalow” located at Dungkahang Village, Penampang. After bath, straightaway sleep cause need more energy for tomorrow. I feel the east Malaysian sleep more early than the west Malaysian. Basically, this is my schedule for the 1st day.
這就是我所乘搭的亞航班機 /
This is the plane that flight on the 1st day
從飛機拍下的地面 /
The land that shot from the plane
情郎的天空 / The Sky
從機上拍到的日落 /
Sunset snapped on the plane
這就是XX小姐的"獨立洋房" /
This is Miss XX's "Stand Alone Bungalow" that I mentioned above
sunset....so nice~`
notty boy:是呀﹐那日落真的很讚。哈哈﹐真要面。好不容易才拍到。沙巴城市的商店也很早關門叻﹐八點多就一片黑暗了。
stefanie: ya, i like this sunset photo a lot.
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