Wednesday, April 26, 2006

我是"馬來人"... / I am a "Malay"...

四月十六日因沒事做﹐所以獨自去了在吉隆坡舉行的電腦展銷會。一進門口﹐一位華裔美女笑嘻嘻的用著馬來語對我說”Mahu beli MP3 ini tak? Murah sangatlah”( 要買這MP3嗎?很便宜) 。天呀﹐我真的長得那麼像馬來人嗎? 我用華語回了那位小妹說我是華人﹐會聽華語。她聽了後張大了眼睛紅了面尷尬的對我說聲對不起。哈哈。這種事已經發生了很多次﹐但就連父母也說我長得像馬來人﹐但我是一百巴仙純正的華裔啦。這可能是時常騎摩哆被太陽晒到的關係吧﹐所以皮膚才有點黑。下次如果還有華人用馬來語問我時﹐我一定會用馬來語回他們說我不會聽馬來語。哈哈!

On 16th April, I went to PC Fair at KLCC Convention Center cause a bit free on that day. When the moment I entered the hall, a Chinese sales girl came over to me & use Malay Language ask me ” Mahu beli MP3 ini tak? Murah sangatlah”(Want to buy this MP3? Very cheap). My God, do I really look like Malay boy. I use Chinese language told her that I’m a Chinese & understand Chinese. She looks at me with her big eyes & red face and said sorry to me. Haha. This is not the first time happen for this case, even my Mom & Dad also said I look like Malay boy. But I’m a hundred percent pure Chinese. Just because my skin a bit dark, they though I’m Malay. Maybe cause by everyday riding motorbike under the sun make my skin dark. If this thing happens again in the future, then I will use Malay language to tell them I don’t understand Malay language. Haha!


...怡... said...

haha....i had the same situation as u do...many times>"<.i just straight away tell her "u can speak mandarin" mandarin...

ED said...

hehe... good. but i think my way is better.haha