Sunday, January 29, 2006

農曆新年的第一天 / My First Day of Chinese New Year

恭喜恭喜! 今天是大年初一﹐ 先向各界拜個年。祝大家身體健康﹐萬事如意﹐ 想什麼得什麼。

過年的日子是超開心,每一年的今天都可以睡到很遲才起床﹐但今天不能了因為要到公司做month end closing. 沒關係啦﹐反正公司有給加班費。哈哈!

到了公司後﹐繼續昨天的工作。因為凌晨與父母接財神接到很晚﹐今早工作時無精神在公司睡著了。原本聽說守歲能讓父母長命百歲﹐想做做孝子的我原本想守到早晨六點鐘。但單看外表的我一早就知道不行啦。每一年都說要守﹐但每一年都守不成。結果啊接財神後大約凌晨三點鐘就爬上床會周公的女兒啦。真是不孝。哈哈! 爸媽真對不起啊。但我知道父母一定知道我多愛他們啦﹐爸媽對不對啊? 哈哈﹐看看啦﹐明年一定會有同樣的” 守歲” 。

今天在公司工作到傍晚六點鐘﹐感覺超累所以也不願呆太久。回到家後﹐跟家人吃晚飯後也沒到那裡去﹐只呆在家裡看電視節目。我的年初一就這樣過了﹐接下來的幾天還沒什麼打算。不過肯定的就是一定會回公司繼續我的工作﹐這就是我所謂的新年” 特備節目” 了。

Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai! Today the first day of Chinese New Year, wishing everyone have a Happy Chinese New Year. May the Doggie Year bring good health and longevity to you all & may all your dreams come true.

Chinese New Year is the happiest through out the whole year cause can wake up late. But this year no chance for wake up late cause need to back to office for my company month end closing that crash with CNY. But never mind cause company is paying for my Over Time. Muahahaha.

I continued my yesterday jobs after reached at office but feel tired & fall in sleep cause midnight prayed for the “God of Wealth” until very late together with mom & dad. Heard people say that “Shou Sui”(Stays up all night on New Year's eve) can help parents get long life, thought want to become a loyal son & stay until 6 a.m. But from what you guys know I am a lazy boy, so knew it earlier sure can’t make it. Every year I had planned to do so, but everytime also can’t make it. So pray for the “God of Wealth” until around 3 a.m & met my bed with Datuk Chao daughter. Haha…as knew it earlier I am not loyal at all. Sorry for mom & dad, but I guess they know I love them so much. Mom & Dad, right? Haha. Watch out for next year, the same “Shou Sui” sure will happen again. Haha…

Today just work until 6p.m, feel very tired & gone back home. After had my dinner with my family, just stay at home watch CNY special TV programs. This is how my 1st day of CNY passed; the rest of the days have not plan yet. But for sure I will back to office to continue my month end closing,this is what I call “Special Program” for my CNY.;-)


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