Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
電腦與農歷七月扯上了關係 / The Story Between Computer & Month of July in Chinese Calendar
My colleague from xxx department called up to me just now, she suspected her computer got ghost. The mouse pointer can move smoothly to open folders and also writing automatically without her control. I told her maybe caused by mouse problem or the computer infected by viruses, but she told me she worried maybe now is July in Chinese calendar. Without think too much, I excluded what she said.
After been at her place, I saw what ever she told me just now repeated again. My mind told me maybe the computer is controlling by the hacker or maybe someone from her department fooling her. But after I go through every computer, can’t find any suspected person. Someone told me secretly they are using blue tooth mouse to control her computer, asked me to keep the secret. My God… what a technology now a day, I never see this before. By looking at her scary face, it’s no way let her continue fool by them; she knew the secret finally. Haiii… working with them don’t know is fun or want to scold them. Hemmm… is ok; maybe they need some entertainment but don’t mix up this with July in Chinese calendar.
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1:00 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
糾正.. / Correction..
For Chinese, we can always hear Hong Kong movie or series called Malaysia as “Malai”, I think is the time to correct them. Our country is not called as “Malai”, but should call our country as Malaysia or “Dai Ma” or “Da Ma”. I think the word “Malai” is more suitable use to call Malay (one of the race in Malaysia), do you think what am I saying is correct?
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12:00 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
人的一生 / Human Life
第一天,神創造了一頭牛,祂對牛說:“妳要整天在田裡替農夫耕田,供應牛奶給人類飲用。妳要工作至日落,而妳只能吃草。我給妳五十年的壽命。” 牛抗議:“這麼辛苦,還只能吃草?我只要二十年壽命,餘下的還你。” 神答應了。
第二天,神創造了狗。神對狗說:“你要站在門口叫,吃主人吃剩的東西。我給你二十年的壽命。” 狗抗議:“整天坐在門口叫?我要十年好了,餘下的還你。”神答應了。
第三天,神創造了猴子。祂對猴子說:“你要娛樂人類,令他們歡笑。你要表演翻筋斗,而且只能吃香蕉。我給你二十年壽命。”猴子抗議:“要引人發笑,表演雜技,還要翻筋斗?這麼辛苦,我要十年好了。” 神答應了。
Received an e-mail from my sister, the content is about “Human Life”. After I read I feel that is quite true, I’m here to share with you the story.
The first day, God make a cow. God told the cow:” You need to help the farmer plow at paddy field everyday, some more provide milk to human for drink. You need to work from morning till evening, but only can eat grass. So I give you 50 years for your life.” The cow protest and said:” I work so hard, only can eat grass? I only want 20 years of life, the remaining return to you.” The God promised.
The second day, God make a dog. God told the dog:” You must bark in front of the door, and eat the foods that leftovers from your master. I give you 20 years for your life.” Dog protest and said:” Bark in front of the door everyday? I want 10 years enough, the remaining return to you.” The God promised.
The third day, God make a monkey. God told the monkey:” You must entertain human, make them happy. You must know how to performances somersault, but only can eat banana. I give you 20 years of life.” The monkey protest and said:” Need to entertain human and performances somersault? So hard, I only want 10 years.” The God promised.
The fourth day, God make a human. God told human:” You only need to sleep, eat & play; no need to do anything, just enjoy your life. I give you 20 years of life.” Human protest and said:” Such a good life only got 20 years?” God keep quiet. Human told God:” Make it like that; cow, dog and monkey had returned the remaining 50 years to you, just give me their remaining 50 years so that I can survive till age of 70.” The God promised.
This is why the first 20 years of our life only need to eat, sleep and play. The following 30 years need to work everyday to support our family, then after retire 10 years stay at home nothing to do and hang around. The final 10 years have to entertain the grandson or granddaughter by performance some funny things to them.
What do you think? True?
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9:00 PM