相信在讀著這篇文的你看了題目時應該在想我又愛上了誰。不錯﹐我的確愛上了xxxxxx. 每天對著她﹐每晚看著她﹐無她不歡。她陪了我好一段時期﹐但近日來我變本加厲的愛她愛得不可失守﹐她也對我情有獨忠﹐每天為我服務。相信大家都在揍起眉頭﹐在猜想她到底是誰﹐可讓我愛她愛到這地步。好啦﹐別再猜啦﹐讓我公開吧。她就是。。。。 Skype。哈哈! 怎麼啦﹐想罵我嗎? 為何會說愛上了Skype呢? 因為自從公司說要節儉開支﹐所以連接其他子公司的電話分線也被停此了。沒分線真的很不方便﹐ 而Skype是免費的﹐所以公司才會建議用它﹐一用就用了四個月了。其實在這之前已經用著Skype﹐但是只有一兩位朋友在我名單中﹐也沒用耳機打給朋友。自從公司採用了它後﹐我名單的人數節節上升﹐現在以有九十個聯絡人在裡頭。
對我來說Skype有它的好處與壞處﹐好處當然是可以打免費電話給其他聯絡人談個沒完沒了啦﹐它也可以傳短訊。壞處是雖然公司有公司的系統可以傳短訊﹐但是同事還是喜歡用它來傳短訊和打電話給我。其實部份短訊中是與公司的作業無關的﹐只是談談聊聊罷了。這可說是濫用了它﹐其實我也是其中的濫用者。。哈哈! 家裡的電腦也有安裝它﹐晚上會用到它。早晚對著它﹐它也情有獨忠乖乖的為我服務﹐所以上面才會說到愛它愛得不可失守。
I believe that when you reading the title of this post, you are thinking of who I fall in love with again. Yes, I really fall in love with xxxxx. Everyday facing her, every night looking at her. She accompanies me for a period of time already, will be sad without her. Recently I love her intensely cause she serving me daily, she love me loyally too. Believe that you are now punching up your brow & guessing who is the loyal girl who serving me daily. Ok, stop guessing. Let me tell you who is she, she is ….Skype! haha! Surprise? Or want to scold me? Why I say fall in love with Skype? Cause when my company said wants to cut-costs, so the telephone-leased line to branches had cut off. Without leased line really feel not convenient for us, so company suggested to use Skype cause it is a Voip service for free. I have using it for 4 months already. Actually I have already using Skype before company recommend, but the only thing is my Skype contacts list only got around 1 to 2 contact person names at that time & some more I didn’t use the headset to call up my friends. But after company staffs start using it, now my contacts list has rising up to 90 contact names.
For me, Skype has the pros & cons. The pros are free unlimited Voip call to anyone in our contacts list & also can send instant message. For the cons, although our company got it own system for sending message but my colleagues still want to use Skype to sent instant messages to me & to other colleagues. Actually parts of the messages are just a chitchat that not related to company things, so this is called abuse. Actually I am the abuser too…haha! My home computer using Skype too, at nighttime will use it too. Day and nighttime facing it, that’s why ‘fall in love with her’. Haha...
Actually what I feel about Skype was it is a good tool, especially when sending message. It is easier compare to our company system. If you never use it before, please install it & try it today!