一九八一年二月十七日。。。/ 17th February 1981...
一九八一年二月十七日﹐馬來西亞的某個醫院的某個角落聽見了”哇” 的一聲﹐一個頑皮又懶惰的小精靈終于出生了﹐哈哈﹐那就是我! 今天是我進入人生的第二十五個年頭﹐在這沒甚麼要求﹐只許一個小小的願。希望家人和我以及朋友們都身體健康﹐天下太平﹐沒有戰爭﹐沒有天災人禍。
17th February 1981, the baby crying sound can hear from somewhere in one of the hospital at Malaysia. One of the naughty & lazy boy had born finally. Haha, is me! Today I have step into the 25th years of my life, just want to make a small wishes. Hope my family members, friends & me all in good health. No more wars & no more nature and man-made disaster.
Knew it from my mom, I am the most notty in my family since I was child. I broke most of the things & mom punished me most of the time. After stepped into Secondary School, I have changed a lot. Less notty but still lazy.
I did not told my friends about my birthday cause I don’t really like to celebrate. But still receiving birthday messages from MSN messager & sms. Just wat to say thank you to all of yours. Every year I would not celebrate my birthday because get some knowledge from one of the book. In the book, it mentioning that our birthday is the Suffers Distress Day for our mom. Because the day when we born, mom are in the middle line of life & death. No one will know what is the next step our mom will face. So is encourage that do not celebrate your birthday.
Every year of my birthday, I am sure will suffering from sick including this year. This year I am sick since Valentine. Even I eat less & rest more, sick still will “follow” me. Maybe this is way I need to go through every year of my birthday!