Holiday for Raya & Deepaveli had over last 2 weeks…. Wow…is almost 1 week off. Such a long holiday & I just went for trip with my family members to Singapore. Actually last year been there already but not much time spend on that trip cause just four days. So this year make another trip with family since got such long holiday. For this trip, there is a happy & sad for me. The main purpose I went to Singapore is to snap photos & buy my collection. The happy thing is I get my collection – Hard Rock Café t-shirt (is original, cost me S$27 mean almost RM60)…. Yahoo.. I promise I want to get the Hard Rock Café t-shirt from each of the country that I visit but somehow I will also ask my friends to buy me if they go for trip. The sad thing is the resolution for the photos that I snapped at nighttime is not clear especially at the Merlion cause I forgot to bring my tripod & when take photos the time hand is shaking & make the photos so blur. Is so sad.
The journey started on Monday (31st October, 10:30pm), we went there by train. It took around 8 hours to Singapore. We live at my Aunty house. The first day we went to China Town. This is the first time I went to China Town. China Town is some place like Malaysia Petaling Street. A lot of things can get there as long as you got money. Eating is not a problem too cause there is a lot of food stalls & restaurant too & I feel that at Singapore there are more people become vegetarian & food stall for vegetarian are very easy to find. I found a vegetarian restaurant but the sad thing is the restaurant was closed. So no choice just ate “Tang Yuen” with nuts. The taste is not bad. Family members ordered their own meals. Not much activity on first day.
The Second day we went to Sentosa Island. At Sentosa, some place is doing renovation & compare to last year some of the place had changed. The beaches still remain the same. There is no more “bugs” train service. The Merlion still remain the same. Only at the side is doing renovation. The plan that we planned earlier is cancelled. Supposedly we were going to watch the fountain with light at nighttime but due to the time is still early & all of us were tired so had cancelled the plan & head toward to The Largest Fountain In The world- “FOUNTAIN OF THE WEALTH”. Knew this fountain from the reality game show - The Amazing Race. The fountain is really nice. We are so lucky, when we reached at the fountain the water not yet shoot out. Just after 1 minute, then water shot out. Is amazing! But we never wait until the light on cause will be very late. So after snapped photos, straight back to home.
The third day we went to Orchard Road, the main purpose here as I mention above is to get the Hard Rock Café t-shirt. So we had search for the shop up and down & asked people where is it, finally we found it at the end of the road. After get the t-shirt, we back to house & prepared go to Merlion. We reached at Merlion at 6:30pm. On the way to Merlion, we also passed by the Port Club & had taken some photos. At Merlion, the main purpose here is to take photos with Merlion at the night view. We had waited until the light shot at the Merlion, is amazing view! Had taken some photos, but I feel very sad cause most of the night view very blur cause I used night mode to take & the night mode had to waited for around 15 seconds & between the 15 seconds my hand shouldn’t shake. Because I forgot to bring my tripod & my hand was shake make the photos very blur. After finished the snapping session, we back to Bedok for our dinner & then back to home.
The fourth day we went to Bugis. We just walked around, didn’t buy anything at there. Snapped some photos & we pray at the Guan Yin Temple too. After that back to Bedok for dinner then walked around at the shop at night & also had our “tong shui” session. Basically the fourth day not much activity.
The fifth day is the last day we stayed at Singapore, so we had planned to see the sunrise. 6am woke up & walked to the beach side near where we stay. Not really sure what is the place name. Waited for the sunrise quite long & not really saw the sunrise from the beginning cause when the sunrise there is a bit cloudy cause day before this was rain. I am quite happy with the results for the photos that I snapped. Is really nice. The beach that we went can see a lot of aero plan fly over & we tried to snap a photo that using my hand for “holding” the aero plan. We had snapped this photo more then 10 times, errr… maybe 20 times cause every time when want to snap, the plan either passed or not reach my hand. haha. Finally we had taken the photo. I really like this photo. This photo will post at my new blog cause want to post all the best photos there. After that back to house for breakfast then we proceed to China Town again cause my sisters want to buy something. Reached at China Town, we walked around. My sisters bought some clothes & souvenirs. Then we back to house prepared for dinner.
We having the dinner with my Aunty family then back to house again prepared go to railway station. Thanks a lot to my aunty cause allowed us to stay there for so many days. We head toward to railway station around 8pm. Reached at station around 9pm. The train that we sat arrived at 10:15pm & moved at 10:30pm. That’s the end of my holiday, say bye bye to Singapore! I just post some photos here, the rest will be at my new blog & I will try to up the new blog by this week.

A prefect view taken from bus.

China Town at night.

At Sentosa Island beach.

Dinosaur park. Not entered to the park, just took photos at outside.

The Merlion at Sentosa Island, is amazing view!

The largest fountain in the world – The Fountain Of The Wealth.

Orchard Road with some photos collection from around the world.

Hard Rock Café shop.

Christmas decoration started at shopping center.

Bridge at Port Club.

Nighttime shot at the “Durian” that opposite to The Merlion.

The Merlion.

Bugis Street.

Guan Yin Temple.

Waiting for the sunrise.

Me standing infront of the sea.

The sunrise.

My original Hard Rock Café t-shirt.